Election Commission’s initiative to stop fake voting: No ink on voter’s finger, laser will mark it, photo will also be taken

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  • Election Commission’s Initiative To Stop Fake Voting, No Ink On Voter’s Finger, Laser Will Mark It, Photo Will Also Be Taken

New Delhi5 hours agoAuthor: Sujeet Thakur

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The new system can be implemented in the assembly elections of five states to be held this year.

The Election Commission will resort to another new technique to prevent bogus voting. Laser will now be used instead of ink on the finger during voting. It is claimed that it will be almost impossible to remove the mark made by laser for several days. Not only this, a camera will also be installed in the EVM, which will capture the photo of the voter.

Laser will now be used instead of ink on the finger during voting.

Laser will now be used instead of ink on the finger during voting.

Rules may be applicable in upcoming five state assembly elections
The new system can be implemented in the assembly elections of five states to be held this year. Its trials are going on now. Laser technology will stop rigging. Because, after making a laser spot on the nail, if the person comes again for voting, he will be caught. On the other hand, the camera installed in the EVM will identify the person who has come to vote again with AI technology and send an alert to the election officer.

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