Eight years of Modi government completed: BJP President Nadda counted achievements, said – earlier schemes were made only on paper, now it does not happen

  • Hindi News
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  • Narendra Modi Government Achievements: NaMo App Launch By BJP President JP Nadda

New DelhiOne hour ago

Modi government completes eight years today. On this occasion, BJP President JP Nadda held a press conference at Delhi Headquarters. The BJP President said that the country is also celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav of independence today and today the country is also celebrating 8 years of Modi government – service, good governance and poor welfare.

Service, good governance and poor welfare, this is the way of working of Modi government, it is the soul of Modi government. He also launched a new version of NaMo app during this period. There is a description of the achievements of the government on the NaMo app.

Our goal is to take the plans to the last person
He said that it is the goal of the government to take the schemes to the last person. We hit on corruption, familyism. Our schemes are for the poor and last rung person. Earlier plans were made only on paper. Now that doesn’t happen. The government worked with full force in Corona.

Today it is clear that Modi hai toh mumkin hai: Nadda
There has been a change in the way we work under the leadership of PM Modi. PM has changed the culture of Indian politics. The working style of the government has also changed today. He said that since 2014 till now we have traveled a long way. Today we see a responsible government in the country, today we see a pro-active, pro-responsive government. Today it is clear that Modi hai toh mumkin hai.

He said that innovation is always visible in the works of PM Modi. Under this innovation, the Prime Minister has erected a module on the microsite under the NaMo App. Which is also interesting, interactive and full of information and innovation.

Big things of Nadda:-

  • In the 70 years of the previous government, 6.37 lakh primary schools were built by the education department. In the tenure of 8 years of Modi government, 6.53 lakh primary schools have been built. We are moving ahead with the vision of Universal Education.
  • The Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana has been appreciated internationally, because in the Corona crisis, along with the solution of health problems, if any country has solved economic matters, then it is India. For two years, about 80 crore poor people are being given 5 kg of free ration.
  • Under the Kisan Samman Nidhi, till now 10 installations of two thousand rupees have been given every year so far and 1 lakh 80 thousand crore rupees have been spent on this.
  • We have also protected the culture. Be it the construction of the grand Ram temple, the grand and divine Kashi, the Mahabharata circuit, the Ramayana circuit, the revival of Kedarnath, the development of Somnath and the Statue of Unity in a way that reflects the history of India in modern times. center is formed.
  • The Modi government has also done the work of developing the places related to the life of Dr. Ambedkar as Panch Tirth. Constitution Day, Social Harmony Day, National Unity Day, Tribal Pride Day, Yoga Day have also been decided by our government.

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