Eid-Al-Adha 2023: Enjoy balanced Bakrid feast by following these healthy eating tips

Image Source : FREEPIK Eid-Al-Adha 2023: Healthy eating tips for a balanced Bakrid feast

The festive season of Eid-Al-Adha is a time of joy and celebration for all Muslims around the world. This year, Eid-Al-Adha will be celebrated on June 29 in India whereas Saudi Arabia and UAE will celebrate the same on June 28. Eid-Al-Adha marks the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.  As part of this celebration, many families gather together to enjoy a special meal known as a Bakrid feast. While it is easy to overindulge in all the delicious food, it is important to remember that moderation is key to ensuring good health. Here are some tips for making your Bakrid feast both delicious and healthy.

Go for leaner cuts of meat

When selecting the meat items for your Bakrid feast, it is best to go for leaner cuts such as skinless chicken breasts or lean ground beef. This way, you will be able to enjoy the flavour without taking in too much fat or cholesterol.

Choose whole-grain options

Instead of white bread or rice, opt for whole-grain options such as brown rice or whole-wheat chapati. Whole grains are packed with dietary fibre which helps to regulate your digestive system and keep you feeling full for longer.

Load up on vegetables

Vegetables are a great way to add flavour, texture, and colour to your meal while also keeping it healthy. Whether it’s adding leafy greens like spinach or kale to your salads or roasting root vegetables like potatoes or carrots on the side, incorporating plenty of vegetables into your feast will add vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.

Go easy on deep-fried dishes

It is difficult to resist those tempting deep-fried dishes but try to limit them as much as you can. Instead, try baking, grilling, or roasting as healthier cooking methods that still make the food enjoyable and flavorful.

Make it a balanced meal

A balanced plate should contain all essential food groups such as proteins, grains, fruits and vegetables. So when planning your menu for the Bakrid feast, make sure that all these food groups are represented in equal amounts in order to reap the most health benefits from your meal.

Limit your sugar intake

While desserts tend to be a highlight of any festive meal, it’s important to remember that too much sugar can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels followed by an energy crash afterwards. Try limiting the amount of sugar you consume and opt for healthier alternatives such as fresh fruits or yoghurt instead.

Stay hydrated

It is easy to forget about staying hydrated when noshing on a sumptuous feast but staying properly hydrated throughout the day will help you feel full faster and prevent overeating later on in the day. So don’t forget to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your festive meal.

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