Eco-friendly Plantable Seed Paper Invitation Cards Grab Eyeballs of Guests at Republic Day Parade

This year’s Republic Day celebration was unique in many ways and one of the things that grabbed everyone’s attention was eco-friendly plantable seed paper invitation cards for the guests. The cards were made of seeds of medicinal plants and were sent to all invitees as a part of the green initiative by the Centre on the occasion of 73rd Republic Day.

As per some media reports, the aim was to encourage people to reduce environmental pollution and opt for eco-friendly ideas in their personal lives too. The seeds are of several plants including Ashwagandha, Aloe Vera, and Amla.

A note on the bottom of the card reads, “Sow this card to grow an Amla plant”.

After reading the invitation, the guests will have to tear the cards into pieces and the bits are to be sown in the soil, moisten and then wait for the seeds to grow into a plant.

The 73rd Republic Day was celebrated across the country, albeit scaled down in view of several curbs imposed by different states to reign in the third wave of Covid-19 infections in the country. Governors and chief ministers extended their greetings to the people the occasion, called upon them to reaffirm the pledge to uphold the ideals enshrined in the Constitution, and made several announcements and promises for the welfare of the public.

Other Highlights

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi ditched his traditional turban look on Republic Day this year and wore a traditional cap from Uttarakhand with an image of the brahmakamal, the state flower, and also sported a stole from Manipur.

• There was no foreign chief guest at the parade for the second consecutive year due to Covid-19. However, Swachhagrah, frontline workers, auto rickshaw drivers, construction workers and labourers who prepared the majestic tableaus were among special guests invited this year to the parade.

• A team of women daredevils from the BSF got the adrenaline rushing as they performed gravity-defying motorcycle stunts on Rajpath during the parade. The ‘Seema Bhawani’ motorcycle team received applause and appreciation from the spectators.

• The parade then saw the largest ever aerial display with 75 aircraft taking part in the majestic flypast highlighting India’s military power and displayed vibrant cultural heritage on Rajpath to mark the ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ celebrations. This year, viewers could also see the cockpit of the aircraft on the screens at the parade venue as well as during the broadcast.

• The parade ended on an emotional note as Virat, the President’s Bodyguard Commandant’s black horse, retired from his years long service after the parade. President Kovind, Prime Minister Modi and Defence Minister Singh patted and bid farewell to the magnificent horse after the parade.

(with inputs from PTI)

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