EC Arun Goyal’s appointment challenged in Supreme Court: 2 judges withdraw from hearing, NGO asked- tell which rules were violated

New Delhi5 minutes ago

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NGO Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) moved the Supreme Court against the appointment of Arun Goel as the Election Commissioner. The matter was listed for hearing on Monday, meanwhile Justices KM Joseph and BV Nagaratna recused themselves from the hearing.

After the start of the hearing, the judges first asked the challenger NGO which rules were violated. Then announced his withdrawal from the hearing. After this, directed to send the matter to another bench.

NGO accuses central government of appointing for profit
ADR has said in the petition that Goyal’s appointment is not correct as per the law. Along with this, it is also a violation of the institutional autonomy of the Election Commission. The ADR has demanded the formation of a neutral and independent committee to appoint members of the Election Commission.

ADR, through a petition, has accused the Central Government and the Election Commission of India of appointing Arun Goyal for their own benefit. According to reports, the petition has sought to quash the appointment of Arun Goyal.

On March 2, the Supreme Court gave its verdict regarding the appointment process.
The Supreme Court had on March 2 ruled that the Chief Election Commissioner (CEI) and Election Commissioner (EC) would be appointed by the President on the recommendation of a committee. In which the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and the CJI will be included. Read full news…

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In a good democracy, it is very important to maintain the clarity of the election process. Otherwise, it will not have good results. The direct appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner is wrong. We have to carry in our mind the hallmark of a solid and liberal democracy. The power of vote is supreme. Due to this even strong parties can lose power. That’s why it is necessary for the Election Commission to be independent.

Justice KM Joseph, chairman of the 5-member constitution bench of the Supreme Court, said this while giving the verdict on the appointment of the Election Commissioner on Thursday. The court ordered that a panel of the PM, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and the CJI would appoint them. Till now the entire process of appointment of Election Commissioners was in the hands of the Central Government. Read the full news…

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