Eating & drinking: 5 New Year resolutions for 2022

It’s the first week of January and that means one thing only — reflecting on the year gone by or predicting trends for the year ahead. So instead of doing one more of the same old same old, I decided to change it up a little bit. Here are five new year resolutions we can all make when it comes to eating and drinking in 2022.

1. With the unfortunate news of a growing resurgence of the virus, you may be more inclined to order in rather than dine out. Provided a restaurant or delivery brand has the option, do order direct rather than through the delivery aggregator even if it takes a little extra effort – it makes an enormous difference to the place you’re ordering in from.

2. I only found out recently that the disposable paper cups we’re so used to getting our takeaway beverages in, are not biodegradable friendly. So if you step out to a cafe or coffee shop, carry your own reusable takeaway tumbler. It’s a small habit that will make a meaningful impact on the environment.

3. There are so many fantastic homegrown brands for everything from coffee to capers, cheese to chocolates, preserves to picked vegetables, mustard to muesli. Get over that phoren obsession; go local and support them as much as possible.

4. Ever wanted to be an influencer? Now you can be one too! If you’ve had a great meal, product or experience, give the brand a shout out on Instagram or Facebook. No marketing prowess works for a business quite like authentic user generated endorsements.

5. We all love the luxury of options. But avoid making reservations at multiple restaurants for the same evening and then cancelling all but one at the last minute. It’s the final nail in an already badly banged up coffin for the industry.

2022 is going to be an exciting year in food. That’s the only trend that matters. And now you also have a few new year resolutions that won’t be broken. On that note, stay safe and eat well.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.

