Eating curd benefits for health and skin in winter mt – INA NEWS Agancy

Benefits of Eating Curd : As much as curd is full of taste, it is equally beneficial for the body. This is because many nutrients like calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are found in yogurt, which bring many benefits to health. But it would be better to consume curd in the winter season only in the morning or afternoon. Eating curd in the evening or at night keeps you at risk of getting cold. Let us tell you that by consuming curd during the day, your immunity becomes strong as well as many other benefits are also available to health. Let us know about the benefits of eating curd.

Digestion power will be strong

If you face many difficulties in digesting food, then you must consume curd daily. Many problems related to your stomach can be overcome by the consumption of curd. The nutrition present in curd increases your digestive power. Due to which it will be very easy for you to digest food.

Also read: To control high blood pressure, then eat curd daily – Study

strengthen bones

Yogurt is rich in nutrients and calcium is also present in high amounts, which makes bones strong. If you are facing any problem related to bones due to winter, then consuming curd can be very beneficial for you.

Yogurt is a better moisturizer

Nowadays everyone prefers to use natural products, because chemical based products can cause damage to the skin. If you apply moisturizer in winters to prevent your skin from becoming dry and lifeless, then curd can act as a better moisturizer. It deeply moisturizes the skin and helps in making the skin soft. You can also use it as a face pack by mixing it with gram flour or honey.

Belly fat will be reduced

Yogurt is a substance that helps in controlling weight. Consuming it daily can reduce your weight gain. It contains a lot of protein, which can also help you in body building.

Also read: If you want to make tummy flat then include curd in the diet, increases metabolism, reduces weight

Yogurt boosts immunity

Immunity has become most important in today’s time. To increase immunity, we can include curd in our diet daily. The good bacteria present in it will help you to strengthen your immunity and the chances of infection in your body will be greatly reduced.(Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi news18 does not confirm the same. Before implementing these, please contact the concerned expert.)