DRM Izzatnagar ordered an inquiry

  • DRM ordered senior DEN co-ordination to investigate, officials engaged in solving the matter

IZZATNAGAR : Railway Board is continuously giving guidelines regarding the mental harassment of the employees in the Railways, despite this, a trackman troubled by the working style of the officers tried to kill himself by lying on the track during work. The incident took place at gate number LC NO.327/A on Mursan and Sonai section of Izzatnagar Railway Division at 9 am on July 7.

According to the information received from the railwaymen, many employees were present on the spot. Somehow the trackman was derailed. At that time the train passed from there. Work was going on at the gate itself at the time of the incident. It is being told that the employee who attempted suicide has come here with an on request transfer from Secunderabad. The interesting thing is that at the time of the incident, a leader of the track maintainer’s union was also present on the spot, but this matter has not been brought up for discussion till now.

Rekha Yadav, DRM Izzatnagar

Trackman who attempted suicide has alleged that PWI Mathura is torturing him mentally and physically. The employee is associated with gang number 63 and the entire incident took place in front of the accused PWI. In this matter, DRM Rekha Yadav has ordered an inquiry by the Senior DEN Co-ordination. Pooja Yadav has been Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, New Delhi and her image has been of strict administrator.

It is said that with the matter reaching a high level, efforts have started to hush up the matter by conniving with the leaders of the trackman union. There is discussion among the railway workers that under PWI Mathura, there is also the leader of the Railway Trackmen’s Union, with whom PWI has a lot of influence. In such a situation, there is a discussion that somewhere due to mutual collusion, the matter will be suppressed. Efforts are being made that the victims could not give any written complaint or statement in this matter. After the incident, an attempt was made to know the side of the accused but he could not be found.