Din in Maharashtra Assembly after Shiv Sena MLA ‘mocks’ PM Modi, apologises | Mumbai News – Times of India

MUMBAI: BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday accused Shiv Sena MLA Bhaskar Jadhav of mocking Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Legislative Assembly and making certain gestures, evoking sharp reactions from the opposition MLAs leading to stalling of the proceedings.
Jadhav later apologised when the House reconvened after two adjournments, saying that making hand gestures was his natural way of speaking and that he didn’t use any unparliamentary word against the prime minister.
Jadhav made the remarks, as alleged by Fadnavis when a discussion on a calling attention notice on power issues was underway.
Speaking in the Lower House, BJP MLA Sudhir Mungantiwar sought to know why state power minister Nitin Raut has “backtracked” on his promise to waive electricity tariff of customers up to 100 units.
Raut recalled that he had only said that waiving of the tariff would be considered. However, as the power department provided uninterrupted supply to customers during the lockdown period, the tariff for the same has to be paid.
The power minister said even Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made certain promises to farmers but hasn’t fulfilled them.
At this point, Jadhav allegedly mimicked Narendra Modi (which he later said was made by Modi as a prime ministerial candidate in 2014.
Taking strong objection, Fadnavis said Jadhav’s comments and gestures about the prime minister will not be tolerated.
BJP MLAs joined Fadnavis and said Jadhav had insulted the prime minister.
BJP MLAs rose to their feet and demanded an apology from Jadhav.
Deputy Speaker Narhari Zhirwal said he would examine whether Jadhav made any unparliamentary remark and decide accordingly.
Water Resources Minister Jayant Patil (NCP) and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anil Parab (Shiv Sena) said that leaders of all parties should be respected in the legislature.
Jadhav said he didn’t make any comment against the PM.
“I spoke only about what Narendra Modi had said in 2014 when he was the prime ministerial candidate (of BJP),” the MLA said and added that he was withdrawing his comments and “gestures”.
Fadnavis alleged that Jadhav was taking the issue lightly.
“How can one withdraw the objectionable gestures?” Fadnavis asked and demanded an apology from Jadhav.
As the ruckus continued, the Chair adjourned the proceedings for 20 minutes. The House adjourned again for 15 minutes as BJP members kept shouting slogans demanding an apology from Jadhav.
When the Assembly reconvened after the second adjournment, BJP members were again on their feet demanding that Jadhav be suspended from the House.
As protests continued, Jadhav said he had not made any unparliamentary comments against the PM.
“My way of talking is such that I inadvertently make hand gestures. If my body language has hurt the members of the House I tender an apology,” he said.
