Delhi-NCR Weather: Saturday is the coldest day of the season in NCR, chill will increase further on Christmas, Orange alert issued

In Delhi on Sunday, there may be a current of four degrees of cold in the midst of Christmas. The Meteorological Department has issued an orange alert for cold day and cold wave for December 25 and 26 in Delhi. During this, a drop in both the minimum and maximum temperature will be recorded. Along with this, dense fog will once again disturb in the morning. The ongoing chill in NCR will increase further on Christmas. The effect of cold and fog will also be seen in the areas of NCR. From December 27, the temperature will start increasing by one degree. By the end of the year, the temperature will reach 7 degrees.

According to the Meteorological Department, there will be a drop of two to three degrees in the temperature by December 26 due to north-westerly winds and low clouds. The minimum temperature can reach four degrees and the maximum temperature can reach 19 degrees. Cold wave conditions will prevail in all areas of Delhi. In some areas, the minimum temperature can be less than four degrees.

Delhi morning once again cold in NCR

Delhi-NCR has been experiencing severe cold for the last three to four days. People are forced to chill in the morning and evening. Light sunshine during the day is definitely giving relief. Delhi morning in NCR was once again cold on Saturday. The minimum temperature was recorded at 5.4 degrees Celsius, three notches below normal, and the maximum temperature at 20.0 degrees, one notch below normal.

For this reason it was the coldest day of the season. It was chilly all day. Earlier in this season, the maximum temperature did not fall so low. The maximum temperature was recorded 20.1 degrees on Friday. In Delhi, the minimum temperature in Ridge, Mungeshpur and Ayanagar reached four degrees on Saturday. The lowest minimum temperature of 4.0 was recorded in the Ridge. While the morning was cold with 4.1 degrees in Mungeshpur and 4.4 degrees in Ayanagar.

Gurugram’s coldest day in NCR

While it was a chilly morning in Delhi, it was a chilly day in Gurugram. The maximum temperature here was 17.4 degree Celsius. It is the lowest in NCR. The minimum temperature here also recorded the lowest at 6.4 degrees Celsius as compared to other areas of NCR except Delhi. Ghaziabad recorded a minimum temperature of 8.5, Noida recorded 9.4 degrees Celsius.