Deda illegal recruitment behind the transfer of teachers in the lockdown?

The School Service Commission recruitment scandal has come up with shocking information. Allegedly, under the guise of teacher transfer, Deda has been illegally appointed to the vacant post by the senior officials of the education department. According to CPIM spokesperson Ganashakti, multiple allegations are being leveled against state education secretary Manish Jain. According to the report, several guidelines issued by him have been helpful in corruption.

In the beginning of 2020, the final activities started with the transfer of teachers in the state. Those whose transfers were stuck year after year began to be transferred overnight to the school of their choice near home. But behind that process, illegal recruitment was being created, the report claimed.

It was informed there that on January 26, 2020, the state education secretary Manish Jain issued a directive. A copy of the secret instructions was sent to the Chief Secretary, the Education Minister’s own secretary and the Commissioner of Education. However, his copy did not reach the district. According to the guidelines, the sincerity of the Chief Minister is to arrange for the transfer of school teachers to a school near their home. The initiative is said to enable teachers to spend more time with their families. That is why the commissioner of the education department was instructed to collect information of teachers in all government approved schools in the state. He was also asked to collect the number of vacancies in schools. The directive was issued with the permission of the then education minister Perth Chatterjee, the education secretary said.

This was followed by a lockdown due to the Corona epidemic. Among them, a portal was launched by the education department to provide information to teachers in schools. How many approved posts are there in any school? What is the number of vacancies? Officials of the education department kept putting pressure on the portal to upload information quickly. The education secretary even held video conferencing with his colleagues at 10 pm.

According to the law, the school service commission is responsible for appointing and transferring teachers in government and government-run schools in the state. There is no room for direct intervention of the education department in this regard. It is alleged that the education department opened the portal and collected the number of vacancies in the schools. Even the information that was once uploaded on the portal could not be seen by anyone except a handful of officials in the hands of the education department.

When the list of vacancies in schools was in the hands of the Education Department, the Education Secretary issued another guideline on 16 October 2020. It said that since the SSC does not have the infrastructure, from now on the transfer of school teachers will be controlled by the commissioner of school education department. Which the School Service Commission claims is against the law. After that, the commissioner of the education department transferred 6,000 teachers sitting in the development building in the lockdown. Allegedly, the incompetents have been illegally recruited by jumping ranks in the vacancies created due to transfer.

According to the report of Gana Shakti, an official of the education department said, “One day, the number of vacancies could not be seen in the portal due to any problem. An official of the education department called from Bikash Bhaban and asked if there were any vacancies in the school. I found out from the school that there are vacancies. That post was filled in half an hour. ‘

The report claimed that the state education secretary Manish Jain could be summoned by the CBI for questioning at any time. Questions have also been raised about how he has held the post for four years.