Death sentence to accused in Sakinaka rape-murder case: Court upholds lawyer’s demand, says victim’s body was badly damaged

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  • Mumbai Sakinaka Rape murder Case; Dindoshi Court Sentenced Convict Mohan Chauhan To Death

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Dindoshi Court in Mumbai has sentenced Mohan Chauhan to death in the Sakinaka rape and murder case. During the hearing on Thursday, the court has called it a serious matter. The court said that it is necessary to give strict punishment to the guilty in such cases. Earlier on May 30, the court had convicted 45-year-old Mohan in this case and on June 1 (Wednesday) had held an argument on the issue of framing the sentence.

When the matter came before the justices on Wednesday, the counsel for the state government had demanded capital punishment for the accused found guilty in the case. The court upheld the lawyer’s demand and said that the accused had badly damaged the victim’s body.

Accused Mohan started crying in court
During the hearing on Monday (May 30), the court first convicted the accused and after that the convict asked how much punishment should be given, then he started crying loudly. Mohan cried that he was wrongly implicated in this case. At the same time, the lawyer of the accused said that this is not a serious matter. According to the lawyer, the victim was alive even after the incident and could have been saved had she received good treatment.

what was the whole matter
In fact, in September last year, a 30-year-old woman was raped by Mohan in Mumbai’s Sakinaka area and put a rod in her private part. The woman was seriously injured after the incident. Police had admitted the victim to the hospital, where she died. The accused was a driver by profession. According to a report, during the hearing in the court, the accused used to abuse the lawyers of the victim side. Then the lawyer said that there is no scope for improvement in this.

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