Day 2 of Wrestlers’ strike against WFI President: Vinesh-Sakshi accuses Brij Bhushan of sexual harassment, Kakran comes in support; Sports Ministry gave notice to the Federation

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  • Bajrang Punia Sakshi Malik Vinesh Phogat; WFI Wrestlers Protest At Delhi Jantar Mantar

New Delhi4 minutes ago

Indian wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik on Wednesday accused Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment. About 20 wrestlers were sitting with him at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. They will start their strike again on Thursday.

The Sports Ministry has sought a reply from the Wrestling Federation within 72 hours. Failure to do so will lead to action against the wrestling association. The ministry has also canceled the women’s wrestling camp in Lucknow till further orders. Amidst all this, International wrestler Divya Kakran has supported Brij Bhushan Sharan by posting a video.

What allegations did the players make during the dharna, read in sequence…
Vinesh Phogat had said in the dharna on Wednesday – Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, President of Women Wrestlers and coaches sexually harass in National Camps. Some coaches posted in national camps have been sexually harassing women wrestlers for years. Many female wrestlers also complained about this.

Bajrang Punia had said that our protest is against the WFI and the way they are working without keeping in mind the interests of the wrestlers. It has nothing to do with politics. The president should resign. We will talk directly to the Prime Minister and the Home Minister.

WFI President said – If the allegations are true, I will hang myself
Here, WFI President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh had said – Vinesh Phogat’s allegations are baseless. He has no proof of the allegations. If there is any victim then come before me with proof. If the allegations are true, I will be hanged.

women commission notice to sports ministry and delhi police
Women’s commission chairperson Swati Malimal met the players sitting on the dharna and gave notice to the Sports Ministry and the Delhi Police. Demanding the arrest of WFI President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, he had said – It is a matter of great shame that the lionesses who bring medals for our country are sitting on a dharna on the road.

This photo is of Wednesday’s protest. These include Anshu Malik (first from left), Satyavrat Kadyan Sakshi Malik’s husband (behind Anshu), Amit Dhankhar (face down holding the flag), Vinesh Phogat (white hoodie) in front of Dhankhar, Sonam Malik (white hoodie) in front of Vinesh ), Sakshi Malik to the right of Vinesh, Sujit Mann (coach of Bajrang, holding the flag) behind Sakshi, Sarita Maurya (in pink hoodie) in front of Sakshi, Jeetender next to Sujit Mann behind the flag, Sumit (in black hoodie) , Bajrang Punia (front right holding the flag with one hand), his wife Sangeeta Phogat next to Bajrang.

Vinesh’s allegation- threatened to kill me
Vinesh had said- After the defeat in the Tokyo Olympics, the WFI president called me a ‘false coin’. mentally tortured. I used to think about ending my life every day. If anything happens to any wrestler then the responsibility will be on the WFI president.

Vinesh did not stop here. He said- Coaches are harassing women. Our position is that even if water is consumed without permission, the Federation gets angry. We are being threatened with death. If anything happens to us, the president will be responsible for that. We are sitting here on dharna putting our career at stake.

This wrestler on strike

  • Bajrang Punia, Sonepat
  • Vinesh Phogat, Bhiwani
  • Sakshi Malik, Rohtak
  • Sarita More, Sonipat
  • Amit Dhankhar, Rohtak
  • Sujit Mann, Jhajjar
  • Sombir Rathi, Sonepat
  • Rahul Mann, Delhi
  • Anshu Malik, Jind
  • Satyavrat Kadayan, Rohtak
  • Sangeeta Phogat
  • Sonam
  • Jitendra

interference in our private life
WFIs also interfere in our personal life and disturb us. They are exploiting us. When we went to the Olympics, we didn’t have a physio or a coach. Wrestlers protesting at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar said- We are being threatened ever since we raised our voice. Vinesh said that the Federation forcefully bans the players so that the players cannot play. I have been trying to talk to the Federation for almost 10 years and explain our issues, but no one is ready to listen.

Vinesh Phogat won the gold medal in the 2022 Birmingham Games.

Vinesh Phogat won the gold medal in the 2022 Birmingham Games.

What is the whole matter?
Sources in Bhaskar said that the Federation had called for new referees for the Senior Wrestling Championship in Visakhapatnam. The new referees didn’t know the rules. He gave wrong decisions. Due to this, there was a lot of dissatisfaction among the players and there were fights.

When Bajrang Punia’s personal coach Sujit Mann questioned the decision of a match, he was suspended by the federation. Sujit Mann’s name is not there in the senior camp in Sonipat. Dharna is being organized because of such arbitrariness of the Federation.

Got to know about the protest from a letter written to the president: WFI assistant secretary
On the protest of wrestlers against WFI, WFI Assistant Secretary Vinod Tomar said – I do not know what it is about. All the wrestlers wrote a letter to the WFI president, from which I came to know about the protest. I have come here to ask him about his problem.

No player will play the tournament till the protest lasts
Bajrang Punia said that all the top wrestlers of India will not play any national and international tournament until the problem is resolved. Federation does not treat us wrestlers well. All the wrestlers request the PM Office and the Home Minister to help us.

Now see the photos of the strike on Wednesday

Wrestler Vinesh Phogat became emotional while speaking.  He wiped his tears and then said the whole thing.

Wrestler Vinesh Phogat became emotional while speaking. He wiped his tears and then said the whole thing.

Wrestler Bajrang Punia looked very angry with the Federation.  They demanded the resignation of the Speaker.

Wrestler Bajrang Punia looked very angry with the Federation. They demanded the resignation of the Speaker.

Delhi Commission for Women Chairperson Swati Maliwal reached Jantar Mantar and met wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik, Anshu Malik.

Delhi Commission for Women Chairperson Swati Maliwal reached Jantar Mantar and met wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik, Anshu Malik.

Wrestlers tweeted
Wrestlers tweeted against WFI and explained their problems. Now see the tweets of wrestlers…

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