Danger of cyclone ‘Biparjoy’ heading towards Gujarat: 10 nos at Kandla-Jakhau Port. K signal alert, 12 no. waste all around

Ahmedabad6 minutes ago

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Signal number 10 means wind speed of 89 to 102 km per hour.

As the cyclonic storm ‘Biparjoy’ rising from the Arabian Sea is gaining momentum, the threat to Gujarat is increasing. The storm is expected to hit Dwarka, Kandla and Jakhau Ports by Wednesday evening or night. At this time the storm is moving at a speed of 8 km per hour.

Due to this, 10 no. signal has been issued. Signals from number-5 to number-8 have been issued in other coastal areas. However, many people may not know what these signals are and how they work in the face of danger.

12 number signal means everything is over
Different numbers of signals have been installed at different places according to the prevailing gale force winds. Signals in maritime areas are numbered from 1 to 12. Whereas, the last number 12 signal means a storm coming at a speed of 119 to 220 km, which destroys everything that comes in its grip.

Different numbers of signals are set up at different places according to the prevailing gale force winds.

Different numbers of signals are set up at different places according to the prevailing gale force winds.

Fishermen also travel according to these signals
Actually, these signals are known as Beaufort scale, they were installed during the British period. In 1805, the British yacht officers decided these signals on the basis of the speed of stormy winds. Most of Gujarat is bordered by the Arabian Sea. Due to this you can see these signals everywhere in the coastal areas. Fishermen also decide how far to go into the sea on the basis of these signals.

Now understand the signs of the signal

signal Wind Speed ​​(Per Hour) this effect
number 1 1 to 5 km Strong winds start blowing.
number 2 6 to 12 km Dust storm starts blowing with strong winds.
No. 3 13 to 20 km Strong waves start rising in the sea.
number 4 21 to 29 km Small trees are in a position to be uprooted.
No. 5 30 to 39 km It becomes difficult to walk on the roads.
number 6 40 to 49 km Visibility starts decreasing in the area.
number 7 50 to 61 km Even standing at one place becomes difficult.
number 8 62 to 74 km Trees and poles start getting uprooted.
number nine 75 to 88 km Visibility starts to become zero in the sea.
number 10 89 to 102 km 20 feet high waves start rising in the sea.
number 11 103 to 118 km Waves start turning into storms. In the coastal areas, torrential rains begin with strong winds.
number 12 119 to 220 km Destructive storm.