Dalit girl was abducted from the farm by three boys: the fourth raped her, instead of a case, the police kept on getting a settlement; The victim’s father committed suicide

pilibhit6 minutes agoAuthor: Rajesh Sahu

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Three boys abducted a 14-year-old Dalit girl from a field in a village under Amaria police station area of ​​Pilibhit. When handed over to the fourth, he raped in the night. The next day the uncle of the accused handed over the girl to the police station. The victim’s father wanted a case to be registered against all four. But the police was engaged in getting the settlement done. The victim’s father got upset over all this and committed suicide by hanging himself.

As simple as this incident sounds, it is as complicated as it sounds. Here the story of the main accused is confused among the accused. The accused have administrative access. Police have a poor system and there is hooliganism that ‘take back the case or else you will be killed’. In the midst of all this, the victim’s family stood at the crossroad, where on one side there was death and on the other side there was mental agony for life. He chose death.

  • Let’s know this whole case from the beginning.

Had gone out with water and jaggery for father and brother, boys took away
The age of the victim girl is 15 years. He completed his 8th standard last year. Including him in the family, there are 5 sisters and two brothers. She is third among sisters. 23 years old brother is the eldest. Father used to run the family by doing farming. On May 9 as well, father and brother were working in the sugarcane field as usual. The victim left for the field with water and jaggery from the house at 4 pm. The distance of the farm from the house was about 1 kilometer. On the way he met Harendra, Rohit and Shekhar and coaxed them to take him with them.

When the girl child did not reach the field, the father and brother were worried. On the other hand, the mother at home also asked why she has not come back till now? When the father came home, he came to know that the daughter is not there. On hearing about the disappearance of the daughter, all the people of the village got involved in the search. It was about 8 o’clock in the night, but nothing could be known. The victim’s family reached Amaria police station at midnight. Got the missing person registered for the daughter’s disappearance. Although no one was suspected at that time. The police got involved in the investigation.

The three boys handed over the girl to Rahul
All the four accused belong to the same village, which is about 3 km away from the victim’s house. The accused Rahul’s uncle says, “The three boys kept the girl at a place outside their village. Called Rahul over phone and handed it over to him. Rahul took the girl to his uncle Manoj’s new house in Kichha. There he raped her. Rahul’s uncle came to know about this. He came to know that the police was looking for the girl, so he reached the police station the next morning with the girl.

The family talks about the case and the police stick to the agreement
After the accused party reached the police station, the aggrieved party also reached. The aggrieved party wanted action against the accused. While the police wanted to end the case by compromising. The victim’s brother said, “We and our father wanted action to be taken in this matter, but the police were not listening to us. Mukesh Shukla, SO of Amaria police station, abused us and made us run away. He told us to run away or go to jail.” I’ll put it.”

The accused only complained against the victim
On May 10, the girl had returned to her home. The father used to go to the police station every day to register a case on his complaint. Went on 11th May. Went to the police station on 12-13 May as well. But there was no hearing. On the other hand, when the accused came to know about this, they started plotting separately. Accused Harendra’s maternal uncle Mahendra’s house is in the victim’s own village. The victim’s brother says that Mahendra has a hold on the police station and local leaders. He was constantly telling the aggrieved party not to go to the police station.

The victim’s brother said, “Mahendra called his father many times. Every time he tells you not to get involved in the case, otherwise you will be implicated. Mahendra said that Rahul has consumed poison in your affair, we will complain about it in the police station. After this, father started getting very upset. We went to Pilibhit to complain. Gave a letter to Captain Saheb there as well.

The girl’s father got upset and hanged
The victim’s father got upset due to Mahendra’s constant calling and threatening. On May 17, at 9 am, he left the house with the papers related to the police station. But did not reach the police station. Took rope from a shop in Amaria itself. Wandered here and there all day. Switched off the phone.

The victim’s wife attributes this to the constant threats she is receiving over the phone. At around 4 in the evening, the father hanged himself on a tree 4 km away from the house. When people around saw it, they told the police. The police arrived and took the dead body into custody and took it to the hospital.

Where the victim's father hanged himself, his switched off phone was also lying there.

Where the victim’s father hanged himself, his switched off phone was also lying there.

As soon as the police switched on the phone, a call was received from the victim’s cousin. He tried to talk uncle. On this the police said – Your uncle committed suicide by hanging himself. You come to the hospital After this there was uproar in the house of the aggrieved party.

After the suicide, the police swung into action. He immediately registered a case against Rahul, Rohit, Shekhar and Manoj. But Harendra was not included. Jehanabad CO Prateek Dahiya suspended SO Mukesh Shukla. The victim’s statement was recorded and after that Rahul, Rohit were arrested and sent to jail. Shikhar and Manoj are absconding.

  • Apart from the victim’s family, we also went to meet the accused’s family to gather information related to the case.

The one who fed the money to the police got away
We reached the house of Rahul Gangwar who is said to be the main accused in the case. There the house was locked. On enquiry, it was found that all had gone to the police station. We met Chetram, Rahul’s uncle who lives next door. He told, “Rahul took the girl to his uncle’s new house.

When uncle came to know, he scolded. Here the girl opened the phone, then the phone went to her too. Then his maternal uncle reached. But the uncle did not give it to the girl. They thought that these people can do anything with the girl. So he gave the girl to the police station the next morning.

Regarding the suicide, he says, “Everything was settled, but after that people from here used to go to the girl’s house every night for settlement, after which she committed suicide. Chetram says, “Harendra K’s maternal uncle escalated the matter. He threatened, made Harendra disappear before arrest. Now he has got his name removed from this case as well.”

We spoke to Kamal Singh, the new SO of Amaria police station in this matter. He says that now the CO is doing all the investigation in this matter. We asked them that the victim and the accused party are also taking the name of Harendra, they said that Tahrir has been received from the victim party only, it does not have the name of Mahendra or Harendra, so action will be taken against those whose names are there.

At present, there are still two questions related to the case, the first is that Mahendra used to threaten the victim’s father and brother on the phone, then why was the case not registered against him? Second, the family is telling the name of Harendra in taking the girl, accused Rahul’s uncle is also talking about Harendra, then how is he out of the case?