Cyclonic circulation formed over Lakshadweep: Stopped the monsoon moving towards Kerala; Monsoon likely to arrive in MP in the last week of June

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Monsoon Kerala Rainfall Update 6 June; Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh | Delhi Uttarakhand Rain Alert

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A cyclonic circulation formed over Lakshadweep in the southeast part of the Arabian Sea on Monday morning. This has further pushed back the chances of the onset of monsoon over Kerala. The Northern Limit of Monsoon is stuck at one place for the last 4 days.

The clouds which were moving very slowly towards Kerala with the westerly wind in the Arabian Sea have now been drawn towards the cyclonic circulation. These clouds have reduced towards Kerala. According to meteorologists, if the pace of monsoon remains the same then it is likely to reach MP including Bhopal only in the last week of June.

Know the rain and heat states…
According to IMD, light rain with dust storm is likely over Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Odisha till June 8. Heat wave conditions have been predicted in Bihar, West Bengal, North East Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Sikkim, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Rain is also expected over Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. At the same time, the weather will be normal in other states.

Winds will blow at a speed of 50 KMPH in the Arabian Sea for the next five days
Meteorologists say that the cyclonic circulation in the Arabian Sea will turn into a low pressure area in the next 24 hours. After that, getting stronger, it can move in the northern direction. It is likely to turn into a depression on Wednesday or Thursday. This means that for the next five days, winds with a speed of 50 KMPH and rain will continue in Central, South and East Central Arabian Sea.

Wind weakening along Kerala coast
Light rains are occurring over some parts of Kerala, but westerly winds are blowing over the South Arabian Sea up to a height of about 2.1 km above sea level. They need to be more than about 4.5 km for the monsoon to knock.

Due to the formation of a cyclonic circulation, the wind is weakening along the Kerala coast. Rain has also been recorded at three-four stations as compared to 10 out of 14 stations. However, rains are likely to start over Kerala and Coastal Karnataka region in the next day or two, but it will not be considered as Monsoon rains due to lack of favorable conditions for the onset of Monsoon.

Normal monsoon forecast this year
Southwest Monsoon was expected to reach Kerala on Sunday i.e. June 4. The IMD said that there could be a further delay of a week in the arrival of monsoon over Kerala. That is, there is a possibility of coming to Kerala by the end of the second week of June. Last year i.e. in 2022, the monsoon reached Kerala on 29 May. There, in 2021 it reached on 1 June.

According to IMD, Southwest Monsoon is now advancing into Lakshadweep and parts of South Arabian Sea. But the cyclonic circulation has spoiled the situation. However, the IMD has predicted a normal monsoon this year.

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