Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging Technologies Enable Better Screening For Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders

The estimated impact that GERD conditions create affects around 7.6%-30% of the adult populace in India while the incidence rate of colon cancer in Indian males and females increased substantially at 6.8% and 10.4%, respectively. The emergence of technology has substantially transformed the outlook of assessment of Gastrointestinal Disorders, the widely prevalent form of ailments that encompass a myriad of diseases including GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and colon cancer or colorectal cancer. However, preventive measures like regular screening with assistance from cutting-edge medical imaging technologies such as flexible endoscopy, next-generation ultra-sound systems, and Artificial Intelligence can reduce the burgeoning burden of Gastrointestinal disorders in India. Revolutionary technologies like AI-enabled CAD EYE technology are efficiently contributing to the early and real-time detection of the colon polyp and characterization into cancerous and non-cancerous growth. In addition to this, the latest development in this technology aids the diagnosis of upper GI such as the stomach and esophagus as well. The combination of three visualization modes, White light, LCI (Linked colour imaging) and BLI (Blue light imaging) enhances the visualization of any abnormal lesion or inflammation in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This technology features a landmark photo checker for blind spots, which will be very beneficial for teaching institutes and high-volume centers for better diagnostic reporting outcomes.

Importance and Benefits of Regular Screening

“Regular screening for gastrointestinal (GI) diseases is paramount as it provides many advantages and benefits, especially to younger generations who are profoundly influenced by the Western culture which is further rendering them more susceptible to debilitating conditions including diabetes, heart attacks and gastrointestinal diseases among others. It is evident that the increasing adoption of a Western lifestyle, characterized by sedentary habits, unhealthy dietary patterns, and high-stress levels, has contributed to a surge in GI disorders among the youth. As reported by the ASSOCHAM report conducted in 2021, the prevalence of Non-communicable diseases like digestive diseases, hypertension and diabetes are among the top three most prevailing NCDs, resulting from the inactive lifestyle and imbalance diet which is directly linked to the Western influence on the country. The most dreaded part is that more than 2/3rds of individuals suffering from NCDs belong to the age group between 26 and 59 years, which is certainly the most productive age group in life. The data indicates the alarming reality of Western influence augmenting the burden of NCDs like GI in India,” says Dheeraj Chaudhari, Head of Endoscopy systems division, FUJIFILM India Private Limited.

Consequently, there exists an urgent need to raise awareness among all generations regarding the detrimental consequences of these lifestyle changes and emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment. Not to mention, screenings can detect underlying problems that have yet to exhibit symptoms. It possesses the capability to unveil potential health concerns even in the absence of noticeable symptoms. “If GI diseases are identified timely during their nascent stages through effective diagnostic techniques, doctors can initiate prompt treatment, yielding improved outcomes and higher chances of complete recuperation. In addition, timely intervention in the treatment of GI diseases mitigates the necessity for extensive medical care, ultimately lifting the expense burden. By fostering a proactive approach to healthcare that is laced with cutting-edge technologies like AI, individuals can be empowered to proactively address their GI health, leading to improved overall well-being and a healthier future for all,” adds Chaudhari.

Growth Projection of Endoscopy in India

The market for endoscopy devices in India is diversely demanding and includes several prominent players, with a few currently dominating the market in terms of market share. “Many global companies have established their presence in India through branches, partnerships, subsidiaries, or third-party distribution, attracted by the country’s growing population and improved standard of living. More companies are expected to invest in and operate within India as the market becomes increasingly lucrative. The adoption of endoscopic procedures for diagnosing and treating functional gastrointestinal disorders is a key driver behind this growth. These disorders can affect different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, esophagus, and intestines. The increasing prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), functional constipation, and functional dyspepsia is also expected to accelerate the demand for endoscopy devices and stimulate market growth in the foreseeable future,” states Chaudhari.

How Endoscopy has evolved with the advent of new-age technologies?

Endoscopy has evolved significantly with new-age technologies. “One of the most significant developments in this field is the introduction of flexible endoscopy, which revolutionized the way internal examinations are conducted. Unlike traditional rigid endoscopes, flexible endoscopy uses fiber-optic bundles that allow for better maneuverability and visualization. High-definition imaging improves lesion detection by up to 40%. Therapeutic capabilities like endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) aid in precise tumor staging,” believes Chaudhari.

The development of robotic-assisted endoscopy is yet another leap forward in this field. Robotic platforms offer increased proficiency, stability, and precision to endoscopists, enabling them to perform complex procedures with greater ease and accuracy. The incorporation of automated technology has opened up new possibilities for complex interventions, such as endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), where precise and controlled resection of early gastrointestinal tumors is required. Robotic-assisted endoscopy has shown promising results in terms of improved procedural outcomes, reduced complications, and shorter recovery times.

Moreover, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in endoscopy has gained significant attention. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of endoscopic images and videos, aiding in the early detection and characterization of various gastrointestinal conditions. These algorithms can help identify suspicious lesions, predict their malignant potential, and even assist in real-time decision-making during endoscopic procedures. The integration of AI technology into endoscopy has the potential to enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline workflow, and improve patient care.

The innovative technologies integrated into Endoscopy have ushered in a new era of diagnosis and intervention in healthcare. Technological advancements in flexible endoscopies, such as flexible video gastroduodenoscopy, flexible video colonoscope, and flexible video duodenoscope among many others, with high-definition imaging features have revolutionized the method of screening for GI and fostering enhance diagnostic experience compared to traditional ones, resulting in invoking awareness and reducing skepticism towards GI screening methods among the masses. By seamlessly integrating high-definition imaging, advanced image processing, and artificial intelligence into its equipment, pioneer manufacturers are playing a pivotal role in revolutionizing the scope of endoscopy, thereby providing healthcare professionals with enhanced visualization and diagnostic capabilities, and empowering them to make more informed decisions.