CUET 2022 Analysis: Students Say Math Lengthy on First Day, Most Opt for English in Laguages

The first-ever Common University Entrance Test (CUET) UG 2022which began on July 15, Friday, saw most students opting for English as a part of the first section, which is language based. Among the domain subjects or section II, students found math to be slightly tougher and lengthy. While the third section or general test was the easiest, claimed students.

In the domain subject section, students said the questions were from NCERT syllabus. “They found the domain subjects they gave to be easier. Students reported Maths to be slightly tougher and lengthy. Commerce students found the subjects especially economics to be easier. Many students were able to complete the sections five minutes earlier,” said Amitendra Kumar, Product Head, CUET and undergraduate programmes, Career Launcher.

Meanwhile, many candidates missed their exams due to last-minute change of centre. A student V Sneha, who had exams for three subjects on the first day said it went well. “I was not expecting it to be that easy. But it was a little lengthy, especially the calculation part,” she told PTI.

Students found the first section to be easier than the mock test papers, said Kumar. It had more focus on comprehension. “Most students had opted for English as a part of the firsts section, also the language being the medium of instruction too for majority. The questions based on passages were direct and factual. Questions based on vocabulary and grammar including synonyms, para jumbles, idioms, fill in the blanks, figure of speech, analogy, word substitution were also there in the section,” Kumar added.

For the last section, the general test, questions were based on basic math, simplifications, basic calculations, current affairs including economics, politics, legal knowledge, personalities, science, sports, books and authors etc. “Close to 25 questions were based on current affairs and remaining on numerical ability and reasoning including visual reasoning, which is closer to the mock test given by the NTA,” Kumar added.

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CUET 2022 will continue till August 20. One million students have applied for the exam in its debut year. The Computer Based Test (CBT) mode conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) will be done in two slots per day. CUET has nearly 60,000 combinations of subjects. Although 1 million candidates have applied for the exam, each candidate has applied for at least five universities on an average thus making the total number of applications to more than five million, NTA had earlier said.

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