Crime- ‘No’ to meet the lover, persuaded the mother repeatedly… If she did not agree, she called the lover and cut him with a knife – #INA – INA News Agancy

of Maharashtra Thane A 17-year-old girl killed her own mother by stabbing her. It is alleged that the girl was in love with a boy, but her mother did not approve of their relationship. For this, she often scolded and instructed not to meet her lover. Angered by the daily toka talk, the girl made a plan with her lover and fled after stabbing her mother to death at home. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot, took the dead body of the middle-aged mother and sent it for postmortem. At the same time, the search for the accused girl and her lover has started.

The matter is of Mumbra area of ​​Thane on Wednesday night. On getting information on Thursday morning, the police said that both the accused are still absconding, different police teams have been formed in search of them. Police is raiding every possible hideout of the accused. At the same time, the police has also sent the dead body for postmortem. The reason for the death of the woman has come to the fore in the form of stabbing in the stomach and other parts of the woman. Police said that during the investigation of the case, it has come to know that on Wednesday also the girl had gone to meet her lover. The woman reprimanded him for this matter. After this, the angry girl has carried out this incident.

Police reached on the information of neighbors

Police said that on Thursday morning a neighbor of the woman called her, but even after a lot of effort no response was received, so she came to her house. Here the door of the house was found locked from outside. On suspicion, the same neighbor informed the police. The police also broke the door after reaching the spot and found the woman’s body soaked in blood on going inside. The blood was still flowing fresh. It is estimated that the girl has killed the woman some time back. The apprehension is that the accused girl has killed the woman in her sleep.

Police engaged in search of absconding accused

Police told that along with the girl, her lover is also absconding. Apart from his family members, after questioning his friends, raids have been started at every possible place of his. However, till now the accused have not reached any known hideout. Police suspect that both have taken shelter in an acquaintance’s house in Mumbai. That’s why two police teams are looking for him in Mumbai as well.

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