Covid-19’s Next Variant May Escape Vaccine Says WHO’s Maria Van Kerkhove

An official of the WHO recently said that the next variant of Cvoid-19 will be even more infectious than omicron.

Meanwhile, Pfizer and BioNTech have started testing vaccines that will work against omicron.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that the world witnessed a staggering 2.1 crore Covid-19 infections last week, an indication of how intense the third wave of Covid-19 is. But there was more. The latest Omicron variant may not be the last of Covid-19, the world’s health body has said. Scientists at WHO believe that another variant, which will spread faster than Omicron, may soon enter the world.

An official of the WHO recently said that the next variant of Cvoid-19 will be even more infectious than omicron. But many ask how life-threatening it’s going to be? Recently, Covid-19’s technical head at WHO Maria Van Kerkhove, during a live discussion on social media, said that last week, there was an increase in Covid cases at a record level, adding that the good thing is that omicron is not as dangerous as the past variants.

However, the next variant can be more dangerous than others. It can spread at such a speed that it might leave the current variant behind. Maria said that the main question is whether the next variant will be more life-threatening or less dangerous. She did warn people to stay away from the belief that variants will mutate to less dangerous strains with time and fewer people will fall sick. Maria said that we can hope for it but there is no guarantee.

Hence, people should follow the covid protocol strictly. Maria also said that the next variant will have the capability to escape the vaccine, adding it may even have more move capability than omicron.

Meanwhile, Pfizer and BioNTech have started testing vaccines that will work against omicron.

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