Covid-19: With rising cases, Section 144 imposed in Mumbai till January 7

Against the backdrop of the rising number of Covid-19 patients, Mumbai police have announced Section 144 in Mumbai starting from today ( Thursday) till January 7, 2022. As per the Section, Police has prohibited New Year’s celebrations and parties in any closed or open space including restaurants, hotels, bars, pubs, resorts, and clubs, until January 7.

Mumbai city reported 2,564 active Covid-19 cases on Wednesday out of 3,900 cases reported in Maharashtra. Mumbai circle, including Mumbai city, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Kalyan Dombivali, Bhivandi and other areas reported 3, 173 Covid-19 cases on Wednesday.

Health Minister Rajesh Tope has already expressed concern over the rising number of cases in Mumbai, saying that about 51,000 tests are being conducted in Mumbai daily out of which reports of about 2,200 patients are coming positive. “ This 4 per cent positivity rate and this is not good (sign). It is cause for concern,” he said on Wednesday.

State Minister Aaditya Thackeray has said that though doctors will decide if the third wave has started in Mumbai, it could be the beginning of the third wave in the city.

The State Covid-19 Task Force is likely to meet today to take a call on imposing more restrictions to avoid gatherings in public places.

( With inputs from ANI)
