Corruption cases in Telangana show dip in 2021, says NCRB

Published: Published Date – 12:40 AM, Sat – 3 September 22

Corruption cases in Telangana show dip in 2021, says NCRB

National Crime Records Bureau, which functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs, has indicated in its ‘Crime in India’ report for 2021 that corruption is on the wane in Telangana, when several other States reported a rise in cases.

Hyderabad: Is corruption on the wane in Telangana? This is not a claim by the State government, but what the National Crime Records Bureau, which functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs, has indicated in its ‘Crime in India’ report for 2021.

From 177 cases in 2019, cases registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act and related sections of the Indian Penal Code in the State dipped to 84 in 2020 and 83 in 2021.

This was when several other States reported a rise in corruption cases. Karnataka, for instance, saw the cases shoot up from 296 in 2020 to 360 in 2021. Madhya Pradesh saw the number go up from 151 to 250 in the same period, while Maharashtra saw cases rise from 664 to 773. Rajasthan had the number soaring from 363 in 2020 to 501 in 2021, while Tamil Nadu saw 304 cases in 2020 and 423 in 2021.

The 83 cases in Telangana in 2021 included 74 trap cases, registered either by the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Vigilance or the Lok Ayuktaapart from two disproportionate asset cases and seven cases of criminal misconduct.

As for police disposal of corruption cases, there were 411 cases pending investigation from 2020, while the cases in which the final report was submitted in 2021 was one. At the same time, the police submitted charge-sheets in 140 cases, with the cases pending by the end of 2021 being 353.

Moving on to the courts, which had 797 pending trial from the previous year, 2021 had a total of 937 cases for trial, of which 13 were abated by the court, 21 stayed by the court, and 20 disposed of. Six cases saw conviction, one saw acquittal, with the cases pending trial by the end of 2021 being 917. The conviction rate was 85.7 per cent.

Those arrested on corruption charges were 124, while 169 persons were charge-sheeted and seven convicted. One person was dismissed from service, while one was imprisoned.

Cases under Prevention of Corruption Act (1988) registered by Anti-Corruption Bureau, Vigilance and Lok Ayukta in 2021

Trap cases: 74
Disproportionate assets: 2
Criminal misconduct: 7
Total: 83

Police disposal of corruption cases in TS

Cases pending investigation from previous year: 411
Cases reported during the year: 83
Cases in which final report is submitted: 1
Cases charge-sheeted: 140
Cases pending investigation at end of 2021: 353
Court disposal of corruption cases
Cases pending trial from previous year: 797
Cases sent for trial during the year: 140
Total cases for trial: 937
Cases abated by court: 13
Cases disposed of without trial: 13
Cases stayed: 21
Cases convicted: 6
Cases acquitted: 1
Trial completed: 7
Cases disposed of by courts: 20
Cases pending trial by end of year: 917
Conviction rate: 85.7
Pendency percentage: 97.9