Corona threat in the country and the world: 92% of Beijing’s population will be infected by the end of January, peak will come many times

11 hours ago

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The movement of people from all over the world has started to celebrate Lunar New Year in China.

Corona cases are increasing rapidly in many parts of the world. These include countries like China, Japan, Russia, South Korea, France and America. According to a research by Hong Kong University, 92% of the population of China’s capital Beijing will be infected with Corona by the end of January. The population here is 2 crore 20 lakhs.

Here, 88 new cases were reported in India on Wednesday. A patient died there. According to the Health Ministry data, there are currently 1,934 active cases in the country. Since the initial phase of Corona, more than 5 lakh people have died in the country.

First know what is the condition of Corona in India…

Now know the situation of Corona in the world…

China: Corona peak will come many times in cities
In the latest research of Hong Kong University, it has been said that in many big cities of China including Beijing, there may be a peak of corona several times. This is due to the large number of movements taking place during the Lunar New Year. At the same time, according to China’s Health Agency, by December 27, 80% of Beijing’s population had become corona infected.

Japan: Records of death from Corona broken
Corona continues to wreak havoc in Japan. According to the Health Ministry, 5 thousand patients have died here in 12 days. So far 8 thousand 103 patients have lost their lives due to Corona this month. This is a new record of deaths in a month. 97% of those who died are those whose age is more than 60 years.

America: It is necessary to ban those coming from China
Due to Lunar New Year, the movement of Chinese from all over the world continues. In such a situation, experts believe that to avoid the new threat of Corona in America, there should be a ban on passengers coming from China. A report in The Washington Post suggested that it should be made mandatory for those coming to the US from China to show negative corona test reports three days prior.

Lunar New Year is being celebrated in China amidst increasing cases of Corona.  Due to this, the danger of corona has started looming over other countries.

Lunar New Year is being celebrated in China amidst increasing cases of Corona. Due to this, the danger of corona has started looming over other countries.

More than 67 crore cases in the world
According to the Corona worldometer, so far 67 crore 36 lakh 29 thousand 982 cases have been reported in the world. On 11 January 2020, a 61-year-old man died in Wuhan, China. This was the first death due to corona in the world. After this the process of death started increasing. So far 67 lakh 48 thousand 650 deaths have taken place.

These countries have banned travelers from China
Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, Qatar, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Morocco, France, UK, Spain, US, Japan, Israel, India, Italy and South Korea have banned travelers coming from China. Here passengers coming from China will have to show negative corona report. Morocco has already banned travelers from China. Taiwan has also made Covid testing compulsory for those coming from China. Pakistan and Philippines are also monitoring. Thailand and New Zealand have declined to impose any restrictions.

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