Corona threat in the country and the world: 64% of China’s population infected; 174 new cases were found in the last 24 hours in India

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With the increase in corona cases in China, the danger of a new wave is also looming in countries like India, Japan and America. Meanwhile, according to the research of China’s Peking University, till January 11, 64% of the country’s population i.e. 900 million people have been infected. The report also said that 91% of Gansu Province’s population, 89% of Henan Province’s population, 84% of Yunnan’s population and 80% of Qinghai Province’s population are infected.

In the last 24 hours, 174 new cases were reported in India. One death was registered. According to Health Ministry data, there are currently 1,336 active cases in the country. Since the initial phase of Corona, more than 5 lakh people have died in the country.

First know what is the condition of Corona in India…

Now know what is the condition of Corona in the world…

China: More than 4 lakh entry and exit trips were done from 8-12 January
On January 8, China opened all the borders closed for three years. Since then, more than 4 lakh people came to China and from here went to other countries. A big protocol like quarantine for the people has also been abolished. An official said- Between January 8 and January 12, 4 lakh 90 thousand entry and exit trips took place. Out of this, 2 lakh 50 thousand people came to China and 2 lakh 40 thousand people went to other countries from China.

This is 48.9% more than the period before the zero covid policy was removed. Lunar New Year in China will start on January 21. In such a situation, there is a possibility of movement of 200 crore people in the country in the next 40 days.

Health expert said – Peak will remain for 2 to 3 months
China’s health expert Zheng Guang claimed that the peak of corona will last for 2 to 3 months. According to Guang, Corona will now create havoc in the villages there as well. The reason for the spread of corona in the village has been attributed to the Lunar New Year holidays starting from January 21 in China.

WHO also warned of the rapid spread of infection on Chinese New Year.

WHO also warned of the rapid spread of infection on Chinese New Year.

In a report, Guang wrote that the focus has so far been on the city in the fight against Corona. Now the time has come to pay attention to the village as well. During the Lunar New Year holidays, people go to their villages and spend time. According to experts, the people of the cities will take Corona to the villages. The situation will worsen due to the lack of health services there.

According to Jennifer Zeng, a human rights activist who monitors the China Communist Party, the infection has started spreading in the village. He has shared a video on social media. With this he wrote – There is a line of vehicles outside the crematoriums in the cities. But this is not the case in the village, here people are queuing up outside the crematoriums carrying dead bodies in coffins.

Jeng shared this video.  Although he did not tell where the video is from and when it was made.

Jeng shared this video. Although he did not tell where the video is from and when it was made.

Japan: One lakh 44 thousand cases came
According to the report of Japan Today, 1 lakh 44 thousand 77 cases were registered on Friday (January 13). There were 11,241 cases in the capital Tokyo. The total death toll stood at 480. 695 new people were admitted to the hospital. Experts say that after January 15, there may be a spurt in corona cases in Japan.

More than 67 crore cases in the world

According to worldometer, 64 crore 16 lakh 8 thousand 915 people of the world have been cured of Corona.

According to worldometer, 64 crore 16 lakh 8 thousand 915 people of the world have been cured of Corona.

According to the Corona worldometer, so far 67 crore 5 lakh 62 thousand 18 cases have been reported in the world. On 11 January 2020, a 61-year-old man died in Wuhan, China. This was the first death due to corona in the world. After this the process of death started increasing. So far 67 lakh 24 thousand 996 deaths have taken place.

These countries have banned travelers from China
Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, Qatar, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Morocco, France, UK, Spain, US, Japan, Israel, India, Italy and South Korea have banned travelers coming from China. Here passengers coming from China will have to show negative corona report. Morocco has already banned travelers from China. Taiwan has also made Covid testing compulsory for those coming from China. Pakistan and Philippines are also monitoring. Thailand and New Zealand have declined to impose any restrictions.

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