Corona heavy on children: Children aged 5 to 11 are three times more likely to have corona than adults, vaccine is the only defense

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  • Children Aged 5 To 11 Are Three Times More Likely To Have Corona Than Adults, Vaccine Is A Preventive Measure

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Children between the ages of 5 and 11 are three times more likely to get corona than adults. This claim has been made in a research by Imperial College London, England. Scientists say that it is necessary to vaccinate children to reduce such cases.

Research has said that young children are not becoming seriously ill due to booster doses being administered to teenage children and adults. Apart from this, Omicron cases saw a 66% increase every day during the study. Let us inform that England has recently approved the vaccine for children with poor immunity.

such research
Scientists from Imperial College London and market research company Ipsos MORI tested 97,000 samples of corona in children in research. These were taken between 23 November and 14 December. The virus was confirmed in about 4.47% of primary school children in the result, while the figure is only 1.41% across the country.

According to researchers, due to vaccination, the cases of corona in teenage children have halved. Earlier this group was most affected by Corona. Apart from this, there has been a two-thirds decline in corona cases among people above the age of 75 years.

The vaccine has been approved for children aged 5 to 11 in England.

The vaccine has been approved for children aged 5 to 11 in England.

Omicron also in young children
Lead researcher Paul Eliot says that according to data from viral sequencing done till December 11, 11 out of 650 cases in children were from Omicron. The remaining cases were from the old variant Delta of Corona. According to Eliot, Omicron cases were increasing every day by 66% during the study. This was 3.5 times the rate of spread of Delta infection.

Vaccine approved for children
A reduced dose of the Pfizer vaccine has been approved in England for children ages 5 to 11 who have serious illnesses or who have poor immunity. This will reduce corona infection in these children. Also, due to the booster doses being administered to adults and teenage children, young children are also being protected from infection.

Eliot says that even though Omicron is spreading rapidly in his country, due to the increasing pace of vaccination, this variant will not prove fatal to children or adults.

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