Controversy over giving speech with son in lap: Women IAS in Kerala trolled on social media

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  • Kerala IAS Officer Speech Controversy; Divya Iyer Video Goes Viral | Kerala News

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Controversy erupted over the adoption of a child in the program of women IAS of Kerala. Actually, on 30 October, the 6th International Film Festival was going on in Adoor. At the end of this, Pathanamthitta District IAS Divya S Iyer had to give a speech, but Divya also took her three-year-old son along to give a speech on the stage and started giving speech by sitting on his lap. He is being trolled a lot on this.

Trollers said – it is not appropriate to give speech by adopting a child
The video of the event was shared on social media by State Assembly Deputy Speaker Chittayam Gopakumar. In the video, his son is already seen with the IAS sitting on the stage, as soon as he was called on the stage. The child also went with them. As soon as he started speaking. The child started insisting on coming in his lap and she started giving speech by taking him in her lap.

Since then, the women IAS has been embroiled in controversies. However, Gopkumar deleted the video after he was trolled. People raised questions on this and said that is it appropriate for a woman IAS officer to bring her child to a public function and address the gathering with her in her arms?

On the insistence of the son, the female IAS gave a speech by taking him in her lap.

On the insistence of the son, the female IAS gave a speech by taking him in her lap.

The husband did the cleaning, said – there was a ceremony on the day of the holiday
Divya’s husband KS Sabrinadhan supported her on this incident. Responding to the trolls on social media, she said that she took the child with her because it was a Sunday and it was a holiday.

He said that Divya is a committed officer who devotes all the days of the week for official purpose. She is free only on Sundays from travel, meetings and other work and spends the same day with her child. However, due to some circumstances, some celebrations could not be postponed and in such situations she informs the organizers in advance that she will attend the event with her son.

Many people supported the woman
It is not just Divya Iyer’s issue, but most of the working women, who stand on their own feet after overcoming many difficulties. At least half of such criticism will be over if we know that women who play multiple roles as wife, mother, besides handling professional duties, face troubles.

Working women don’t need anyone’s sympathy. But society should give them a place to work. Apart from Divya’s husband, her society and other social workers also supported her.

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