Conspiracy theory: Was Lewis Carroll the serial killer Jack the Ripper? – Times of India

Lewis Carroll, English writer of children’s fiction, is best-known for his classics ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and its sequel ‘Through the Looking-Glass’. Initially known as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Carroll was also a mathematician, photographer, and inventor. Born in 1832, Carroll’s stories have been loved by many generations of readers across the world. So much so that, there are Lewis Carroll societies in many parts of the world dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works even today, 124 years after his death.

However, did you know there is another set of people who propose a different picture of Carroll altogether – a rather dark and grisly one? They identify him as a character that caused mayhem in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. This individual, better known as “Jack the Ripper” around the world, was an unidentified serial killer active in the largely impoverished areas of London. In both the criminal case files and contemporary journalistic accounts, the killer was called the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron.

Attacks ascribed to Jack the Ripper typically involved female prostitutes who lived and worked in the slums of the East End of London. Their throats were cut before abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that their killer had some anatomical or surgical knowledge. Rumors that the murders were connected intensified in September and October 1888 and numerous letters were received by media outlets and Scotland Yard from individuals purporting to be the murderer. The name “Jack the Ripper” originated in a letter written by an individual claiming to be the murderer that was disseminated in the media.

So how did the theory of Lewis Carroll being Jack the Ripper originate? And how valid is it?

It was in 1996 that author Richard Wallace – clinical social worker and part-time Carroll scholar – wrote a book in which he offered the theory that something truly sinister lurked in Carroll’s mind, and that he had a second alter ego – that of Jack the Ripper.


Carroll, at the age of 14 was sent to Rugby School, where he was unhappy. He made reference years later to the ‘annoyance’ he had suffered there ‘at night’. The nature of this ‘annoyance’ will probably never be fully understood, but it may be that he was delicately referring to some form of sexual abuse.

In Wallace’s book, ‘Jack the Ripper: Light-Hearted Friend’, he considers this to be a hint that Carroll was being physically abused by the older boys at the school, suffering a psychotic break that would plague him for the rest of his life, ultimately turning him into Jack the Ripper.

Wallace’s theory requires his readers to understand that Caroll kept sneaking hidden messages into his correspondences and published works. For example, by rearranging letters from a letter Carroll wrote to his brother Skeffington, Wallace discovered something eerie.

This is what Carroll wrote:
“My Dear Skeff: Roar not lest thou be abolished.”


This is what Wallace rearranged it to:
“Ask mother about the red lion: safer boys fled.”

He suspected that “red lion” was a game played at Carroll’s school that was sexual in nature – leaving him angry towards his family and society.

“He retreated into a world consumed by one goal – revenge on society,” Wallace wrote.

Furthermore, in 1888, Carroll published ‘The Nursery Alice’ for young children. Wallace believed – again by rearranging the alphabets of some sentences – that Carroll confessed to the murders in this book.

This is what Carroll wrote while describing a scene about a dog declining dinner:

“So we went to the cook, and we got her to make a saucer-full of nice oatmeal porridge. And then we called Dash into the house, and we said, “Now, Dash, you’re going to have your birthday treat!” We expected Dash would jump for joy; but it didn’t, one bit!”


This is what Wallace rearranged it to:

“Oh, we, Thomas Bayne, Charles Dodgson, coited into the slain, nude body, expected to taste, devour, enjoy a nice meal of a dead whore’s uterus. We made do, found it awful—wan and tough like a worn, dirty, goat hog. We both threw it out. – Jack the Ripper”

However, as per many, the anagrams Wallace presented in his book are not very good. They tend to make limited grammatical sense, and Wallace cheated by simply leaving out or changing any letters he can’t fit in.

Outside his anagrams, Wallace presented no shred of proper evidence, primary or secondary, to lend support to his belief. He did try to find circumstantial links between Carroll and the crimes. An interesting piece of proof that Wallace gave to substantiate his claims was his observation that Carroll’s mother was said to have a long nose. This could be the reason behind Carroll aka Jack the Ripper mutilating the noses of two of his victims! Furthermore, Carroll had a library full of books on medicine and anatomy, which educated him to mutilate his victims with finesse.

Wallace also claimed that Carroll’s home was within public transport’s distance from the murder sites. Even though the Ripper’s letters to newspapers didn’t have Carroll’s handwriting on them, Wallace believed that it was his close friend Thomas Vere Bayne who could have written them on his behalf.

Wallace further argued that Carroll gave a clue to his crimes in the poem ‘Jabberwocky’, written in 1872 – 16 years before the murders. One verse read:
“The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head; He went galumphing back.”

Wallace said this could refer to Anne Chapman, the Ripper’s third victim, whose head was almost severed.

In another poem, ‘The Hunting of the Snark’, Carroll wrote:
“They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; They pursued it with forks and with hope; They threatened its life with a railway share; They charmed it with smiles and soap.”

Wallace said all the dead girls had thimbles, forks, and soap in their pockets when they died and there were no alibis for Carroll on the nights the Ripper struck.

Now, in Carroll’s defense, when victims Mary-Ann Nichols, Anne Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, and Catherine Eddowes were killed, Carroll was vacationing in East Sussex with a child actress. In addition, while victims Mary Jane Kelly was killed, both Carroll and his friend Thomas Vere Bayne, who is thought to be Carroll’s partner in crime, were at Oxford.


It must also be noted that other Ripper suspects have included Royal physician Sir William Gull, Liverpool cotton merchant James Maybrick, escaped Broadmoor prisoner James Kelly, East End wife-killer William Bury, quack doctor Francis Tumblety and Russian emigre Alex Pedachenko.

Meanwhile, a 2019 study claimed to have used DNA analysis to reveal the man behind the brutal slayings. According to a study in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, the man known as Jack the Ripper is likely Aaron Kominski, a 23-year-old barber of Polish descent who lived in London at the time. The authors of the study said that DNA found on the shawl of one of Jack the Ripper’s victims is a close match for a current living relative of Kominski. The shawl belonged to Jack the Ripper’s fourth victim, Catherine Eddowes, who was murdered in September 1888. The shawl reportedly contained seminal fluid, which was tested by study co-author Dr. David Miller, of the School of Medicine at the University of Leeds.
