‘Confession’ of Moosewala’s killer: Sachin Bishnoi, nephew of gangster Lawrence, said – I shot myself dead; avenged the murder of middukheda

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  • Punjabi Singer Sidhu Moosewala Murder Updates : Gangster Lawrence’s Nephew Sachin Bishnoi ‘confession

Chandigarh3 minutes ago

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Sidhu Musewala.

Famous Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala was murdered by Lawrence gang. Sachin Bishnoi, nephew of gangster Lawrence, claimed that he had done this murder. I myself shot Sidhu Musewala. This claim was made by a person who called himself Sachin Bishnoi by talking to TV channel News18 through virtual ID. Sachin said that we avenged the murder of Vicky Middukheda who was murdered in Mohali. Although the real Sachin Bishnoi is the one who claimed the murder, this cannot be confirmed.

Musewala had killed Middukheda
Sachin Bishnoi said that young Akali leader Vicky Middukheda was murdered in Mohali. The police investigated it. Several gangsters were interrogated. Everyone said that Sidhu Musewala’s hand is behind this. Kaushal’s shooter had said that Moosewala gave him a place. Financially supported as well. The name of Moosewala was also taken by the Delhi Police. Despite this, no action was taken against Musewala. We kept waiting but no action was taken on Moosewala.

Musewala also got Gurlal Brar murdered
Sachin said that Moosewala also got Gurlal Brar killed in Chandigarh. He was the brother of Canadian-based gangster Goldie Brar. Sidhu Musewala was behind this too. Despite this, no action was taken against him.

Fame not only changed
Sachin said that he did not want any fame or fame in return for killing famous singer Sidhu Musewala. His only motive was to take revenge. He avenged the murder of Vicky Middukheda and Gurlal Brar by killing Musewala.

Where did the weapons come from, will not tell
Sachin Bishnoi was asked from where did he get the weapons to kill Moosewala? Sachin did not answer this. He definitely said that we have bigger weapons than this. Which no one can think of.

Tell the threatening, where to come?
Sachin said that whoever is threatening us. Those who are saying that Sidhu will avenge Moosewala’s murder, tell me where to come? The doers say no. When Sachin was asked about the next target, Sachin said that it will be known about it soon. Sachin said that he had talked about killing Mankirat Aulakh in 2 days, but could not do anything. These are all barking dogs. The threats they are threatening, one of them will die.

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