Coimbatore court sentences two men to 20 years rigorous imprisonment for gangrape | Coimbatore News – Times of India

COIMBATORE: The district mahila court in Coimbatore on Thursday sentenced two men to 20 years rigorous imprisonment for raping their friend’s younger sister near Pollachi in 2016.
The rape survivor was a construction worker. She was married to an autorickshaw driver. It was her second marriage. The couple have child. As her husband was not earning enough to run the family, she went for construction work. Her husband objected to it and fought with her.
After a fight with her husband, the woman went to her parents’ home in Pollachi in July 2016. Her elder brother brought his friends, R Vimal alias Vimalraj, 31, and B Karthi,31 to resolve his sister’s family problem. Both were working as autorickshaw drivers. The duo hailed from Kumaran Nagar in Pollachi.
The woman knew her brother’s friends and spoke to them about her family problems. They promised her that they would try to solve the issues and would bring her husband to the home soon.
Meanwhile, her elder brother got a call from a private firm and went for work. He left his two friends at his residence. Vimalraj and Karthi behaved rudely with the woman, and they told her that they would take her to her husband in an autorickshaw. She believed their words and agreed to travel with them.
The duo stopped the autorickshaw in an isolated place and consumed liquor. Karthi tried to rape her. When the woman tried to escape, the duo physically assaulted her and whipped her with a belt. Later, the duo raped her repeatedly and abandoned her in a nearby place. The woman managed to reach a private hospital where the doctors gave first aid and informed the Pollachi West police.
The police registered a case against the duo under sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt using dangerous means or weapons), 376 (D) (gang rape) and 506 (ii) (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and arrested them.
Judge R Nandhinidevi sentenced the duo to 20 years rigorous imprisonment for gangrape and two years for voluntarily causing hurt and criminal intimidation. The court slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on each of them.
Special public prosecutor B Jisha appeared on behalf of the woman.
