Churdhar will be connected by ropeway: The ropeway will be 8KM long; Pilgrims will have to climb only 10 KM instead of 18 KM

Nahan13 hours ago

Churdhar, a religious tourist destination situated at an altitude of 11,965 feet above sea level in Himachal’s Sirmaur, will be connected by ropeway. Churdhar is the abode of Shirgul Devta. Along with Sirmaur district, people of Kupvi area of ​​Shimla district and Jaunsar Babar area of ​​Uttarakhand have faith related to Churdhar. A large number of devotees reach here.

To promote tourism and employment in Himachal Pradesh, a project of 13 world class ropeway craft has been prepared. Churdhar Ropeway is one of them. A budget provision of 250 crores has been made for this. Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari had informed about this by tweeting in December 2021.

This construction work will be done by the National Highway Logistics Management. A proposal was sent to the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) for the approval of 50 sites in the state regarding the construction of ropeways in the state, out of which 13 have been approved. 7 tourism corridors in Himachal will also be connected by road. In this, along with Shimla, Kullu-Manali and Dharamshala, Churdhar of Sirmaur has also been included.

The construction work will be done by the National Highway Logistics Management

8 kilometer ropeway will be built
About 8 km long ropeway is proposed to be constructed for Churdhar. To reach the Churdhar peak, devotees and tourists have to climb about 18 kilometers from Nauradhar. The construction of ropeway will not only give a boost to tourism, but more devotees will also reach religious tourist places.

Road would be a better option
The major reason behind the construction of the ropeway is also the difficulty in the expansion of the roads. With the widening of the roads, there is always a danger of rockfalls. In such a situation, ropeway is a better option. During the Himachal tour, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari had emphasized on promoting the construction of ropeways for remote tourist places. Since then, the movement regarding the construction of the ropeway had intensified.

Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari had informed about this by tweeting in December 2021

Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari had informed about this by tweeting in December 2021

Ropeway will provide employment to the people of the area
Baburam, manager of the Churdhar Seva Samiti, said that the central government has announced the construction of a ropeway for Churdhar, the abode of Shirgul Devta. This will provide employment to the people of the area. The same religious tourist destination Churdhar will get a new identity. The committee makes free arrangements for accommodation and food for the devotees coming to Churdhar. The committee is also working to make the Churdhar area neat and clean.

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