Church attacked by Nihangs in Amritsar: Vandalism at the time of prayer, ran away when bricks and stones were thrown; Accused of sacrilege of the Bible, picketed

Amritsar24 minutes ago

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Nihangs attacked the church in Amritsar, ran away when bricks and stones were thrown.

Controversy has once again started between the Nihangs and the Christian community in Amritsar, Punjab. Some Nihangs attacked the church. After which the Nihang and Christian brotherhood came face to face with each other. The police reached the spot and brought the situation under control. There is resentment in the Christian brotherhood after this incident and they are continuously demanding action.

This incident is related to the church of Rajewal village of Amritsar. Officials of the Christian brotherhood informed that worship was going on in the church in the afternoon. Meanwhile some Nihangs came and attacked the church. He also desecrated their religious scripture, the Bible. Not only this, the vehicles of Christian brotherhood were also vandalised.

Christian brotherhood performing.

Christian brotherhood performing.

During this the situation became tense. When the Nihangs attacked the Christian followers with swords, the supporters started pelting bricks and stones. After which Nihang left from there. Nihang organizations say that propaganda is done wearing Sikh costumes here, on which they have objection.

Demand to register case under sections 295A and 307
The Christian brotherhood started protesting after the incident. The Christian brotherhood said that just as Section 295A is imposed for sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Section 307 is imposed for tearing of its organs, similarly the accused in this incident should also be booked under these sections.

police handled the situation
SSP Rural Satinder Singh reached the spot after the incident. He pacified the Christian brotherhood and assured to investigate the matter properly. After which the anger of the Christian brotherhood subsided.

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