China training PLA in Aksai Chin: India objected to military commander’s meeting, airspace violation was also discussed

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • India China Ladakh Border Dispute; Army And People’s Liberation On Airspace Violation

New Delhi3 minutes ago

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Tension has been going on between India-China border for a long time. Meanwhile, there are reports that China is training its army to compete with the Indian Army in Aksai Chin. India has objected to this in the meeting of the military commander. On Friday, there was a discussion again in Ladakh to end the border tension between the two countries. During this, there was a discussion especially regarding the airspace violation. Along with this, both the countries have also emphasized on keeping the marking of their areas clear. So far, several rounds of meetings have been held between the two countries, but no solution could be found on this issue. The 16th round of meeting between the two countries was held last month, a day after the 13-hour meeting, both sides issued a joint statement. It was said that this meeting would prove helpful in restoring peace and stability along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. At the same time, the relationship between both the parties will also improve.

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