China Reiterates Opposition to New UN Sanctions Against North Korea Before Vote

China reiterated its opposition to new sanctions against North Korea ahead of a vote Thursday on a U.S.-drafted U.N. resolution that would impose tougher measures on the reclusive northeast Asian nation for its recent launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles that can be used to deliver nuclear weapons.

China’s U.N. Ambassador Zhang Jun called instead for the United States to take meaningful, practical actions to resume its dialogue with the country and find a political solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, where the 1950-53 war between North Korea and South Korea stopped with an armistice, not a peace treaty.

He would not say whether China would abstain or veto the resolution when the Security Council votes on Thursday afternoon.

With tensions on the peninsula, Zhang said, its important to stay calm, avoid any provocative actions and really give hope to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea — the countrys official name — by lifting some sanctions instead of imposing new ones.

We do not think additional sanctions will be helpful in responding to the current situation, he told reporters Thursday. It can only get the situation even worse. so thats what we really want to avoid.

Alluding to the U.S. pivot to Asia reflecting the rise of China as an economic and military power and Americas most significant competitor, Zhang said, We do not want to see anyone make use of the DPRK situation or the Korean Peninsula situation as a card for their strategic or geopolitical agenda.

We are completely against any attempt to make northeastern Asia a battlefield or to create confrontations or tensions there. So, as a neighbor of DPRK and as a neighbor of the Korean Peninsula, we have our responsibility to maintain peace, security, and promote the denuclearization there. That’s always our goal, he said.

Wednesday’s announcement of the vote and the U.S. release of the 14-page draft resolution came hours after South Korea reported that North Korea test-launched a suspected ICBM and two shorter-range missiles.

It also followed Tuesday’s conclusion of U.S. President Joe Bidens Asia trip reinforcing the U.S. pivot that included stops in South Korea and Japan, where he reaffirmed America’s commitment to defend both allies in the face of the North’s nuclear threat.

Wednesdays launches were the 17th round of missile firings this year by the DPRK. Experts have said North Korea wants to move ahead with its push to expand its arsenal and apply more pressure on its rivals to wrest sanctions relief and other concessions.

The Security Council imposed sanctions after North Korea’s first nuclear test explosion in 2006 and tightened them over the years seeking to rein in its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and cut off funding.

In the last sanctions resolution adopted in December 2017, the council committed to further restricting petroleum exports to North Korea if it conducted a ballistic missile launch capable of reaching intercontinental ranges, a point repeatedly stressed by U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

She told the council on May 11 that the North has launched at least three ICBMs. But she said that for the last four years, two members — a clear reference to China and Russia — have blocked every attempt to enforce U.N. sanctions and update the list of individuals, companies and other entities subject to asset freezes and travel bans.

The resolution to be voted on Thursday would reduce exports of crude oil to North Korea from 4 million barrels a year to 3 million barrels, and it would reduce exports of refined petroleum products from 500,000 barrels a year to 375,000 barrels. It would also ban the North from exporting mineral fuels, mineral oils and mineral waxes.

In addition, the draft resolution would ban the sale or transfer of all tobacco products to North Korea, tighten maritime sanctions, and ban the DPRK’s export of clocks and watches and their parts.

The proposed resolution would impose a global asset freeze on the Lazarus Group, which was created by North Korea. It says Lazarus engages in cyberespionage, data theft, monetary heists and destructive malware operations against government, military, financial, manufacturing, publishing, media and entertainment institutions as well as shipping companies and critical infrastructure.

The measure would also freeze the global assets of Korea Namgang Trading Corporation, which sends North Korean laborers overseas to generate income for the government. It would do the same for Haegumgang Trading Corporation, which it says has worked with a Mozambique company under a $6 million contract that includes surface-to-air missiles, air defense radar and portable air defense systems.

The proposed resolution would add one individual to the sanctions blacklist, Kim Su Il, who it says is the Vietnam-based representative of the Munitions Industry Department responsible for overseeing development of the Norths ballistic missiles.

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