China defends ‘zero-COVID policy’ amid growing criticism

Image Source: AP.

Commuters wearing face masks walk out of a subway station in the central business district in Beijing, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. The U.S. has ordered all non-emergency consular staff to leave Shanghai, which is under a tight lockdown to contain a COVID-19 surge.


  • China on Apr 12 defended its coronavirus measures
  • China’s COVID measures reportedly resulted in hardship in several Chinese cities including Shanghai
  • China’s zero-COVID policy are based on science and expert opinions: Spokesperson Zhao Lijian

Amid growing criticism over its zero-COVID policy, China on Tuesday (April 12) defended its coronavirus measures that reportedly have resulted in hardship in several Chinese cities including the global financial hub Shanghai.

Speaking at the press conference on Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said the country’s “dynamic” zero-COVID policy and anti-epidemic protocols are based on science and expert opinions.

Zhao said the policies are also consistent with its national realities and the WHO’s guiding principles.”They have effectively protected the life and health of Chinese and foreign nationals living in China and made important contributions to the global fight against the pandemic. The international community, the WHO included, has spoken highly of them,” he said.

Also Read: Covid19: China’s Guangzhou closes to most arrivals as outbreak grows

This response comes as the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China said COVID lockdowns have caused “significant disruptions” for many companies. Nearly half of German firms said in a survey their supply chains have been impacted.Further defending the country’s COVID-19 policies, the Chinese spokesperson said some Chinese cities have adopted a host of prevention and control measures in response to sporadic outbreaks.

“Although these measures have had some impact on daily life and production, the effect is limited in both duration and scope. Thanks to such measures, the vast majority of the population in most regions can enjoy normal life and production,”He said all prevention and control measures “come at a price.”

“All these efforts are worthwhile to protect people’s life and health. Facts have proven that the overall guideline of dynamic zero-COVID is proper as it fits China’s realities and has delivered desirable results.”

(With ANI inputs)

Also Read: No kissing, hugs or sleeping together: China’s new ‘insane’ Covid rules

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