Child Among 9 Killed After Car Collides with Truck on Goa-Mumbai Highway

Last Updated: January 19, 2023, 09:02 AM IST

The accident reportedly took place on the Goa-Mumbai highway in Repoli area in Raigad district.
(Photo: ANI)

One child was injured in the accident on Mumbai-Goa and is currently undergoing treatment.

Nine people including one child reportedly died after the car they were travelling in collided with a truck on the Goa-Mumbai highway in Repoli area in Raigad district.

According to ANI, among the nine people who lost their lives, 3 were woman and one was a child. The Raigad police said, one child was also injured in the accident and is currently undergoing treatment.

Pictures from the accident site showed a Maruti Suzuki Eeco car completely crushed in the front. Photos of the truck also show heavy damage in the front, suggesting that it might have been a head-on coalition.

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