Cheap booking in 55 hotels of Himachal: HPTDC gives 40% discount to tourists; Offer will run till 31st March

ShimlaOne hour ago

In view of the influx of tourists in Himachal in the winter season, HPTDC has given 40% discount in all its 55 hotels. Which will be available till 31 March. Earlier 20% discount was being given, but in view of snowfall, the package was extended. Please tell that this offer will be given only on booking the room. Tourists will not get this facility if food and other facilities are used.

Ever since HPTDC has offered 40% discount, the booking process in hotels has also become faster. Tourists going to the mountains with the desire to see snowfall are first searching for bookings in HPTDC hotels only. Tourists are making online bookings for their preferred hotels by visiting HPTDC’s site to avail better facilities at lower prices.

In this, maximum booking is being done in those hotels of the state where snowfall is taking place.

Full information will be available on this number
Tourists can contact HPTDC contact number 0177-2652561 for booking and email at for any kind of hotel related information. Tourists will also be guided by the tourism department for online booking related information.

Offered to promote tourism
Giving information, HPTDC director Amit Kashyap said that this offer is being given till the month of March. Because at this time the tourist season is on peak. In such a situation, this special offer is being given so that more and more tourists come to the state and tourism can be promoted. In the coming time, Himachal should make a strong identity in the field of tourism. For this, continuous efforts are being made by the department.

Whose positive results are also being received.

Booking coming to snowfall place
Tourists coming to the mountains in the winter season want to enjoy the snowfall. For this, bookings are coming in those hotels where snowfall is taking place. Tourists are registering more bookings in Manali, Shimla hotels.

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