Change of season: The bare, old, barren land keeps on trembling, its core keeps on trembling

13 hours ago

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There is no trust of time and weather. Time is also surrounded by uncertainty and so is the weather. The weather is changing rapidly in every corner of India. Earlier its time was fixed. It will be cold for so many days, it will rain for so many days and it will be hot for so many days. But now since man has given up his policies, the earth, sky, water and the weather associated with them are also forced to change their nature.

It is only a recent thing. It’s about to get cold. Summer is about to come and in such a situation it rained on the standing crops ready to be cut. Hail also fell. The farmer is suffering. The crops are turning upside down in the fields and staring at the faces of the farmers. Well, this happens every now and then, but the situation in Kerala is different from the rest of the country. And bad ones too. Till now people there were troubled by the rain.

According to experts, in the last two years, the early summer in northern India reduced the production of wheat crop to a level.  Such events can lead to food shortages and increase prices, which can have adverse effects on the economy and food security.

According to experts, in the last two years, the early summer in northern India reduced the production of wheat crop to a level. Such events can lead to food shortages and increase prices, which can have adverse effects on the economy and food security.

It had not been many days since the rains ended that it was extremely hot. The heat is also such that people are suffering from heat stroke. Heat stroke alerts are being issued by the government. Actually now a new technology like heat index has come. Through this, the Meteorological Department finds out that the degree of heat that is being told, in fact, how many degrees it is giving a feeling.

According to this, the temperature in Kerala is only 32 degrees, but it is making one feel that it is 54 degrees. That means, as Jaisalmer heats up in the summer, Kerala is already heating up that much. …and cut trees, fill rivers and drains with mud and cement. Cut colonies on them and earn crores and billions.

Who’s stopping? But when the future generation asks a question, cover your lips. Because we will not have any answer. There was a time when we did not have much greed. When the moon used to lift its head, a light breeze used to wake up the little plants by going from branch to branch. Milk used to fill every grain of the crops.

When the stars used to shine on the blue-black sky, all the rivers started running towards the oceans. Light used to return even in the blind eyes. But now it is not so. Now even the winds bring blows of hot swords. Now even the hands of these winds have become insolent. Let’s cut the little dreams. Aanchal gets scratched. Afraid of shattering dreams.

The laps tremble every now and then and the bare, old, barren land trembles. The bird flies alone in the midday sky, fearful of fire and water. For the sake of crores of mothers of their hungry and sick children. But what to do? What has passed is gone. Suffering for the lost moments, going through many unknown things. How long should we bear the pain of incomplete and incomplete efforts? Living like this seems a bit piecemeal.

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