Chadhuni formed United Sangharsh Party: Party will contest on 117 seats, advocating opium cultivation in Punjab

Chandigarh4 minutes ago

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Gurnam Singh Chadhuni, leader of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, has formed the Samyukt Sangharsh Party. Mission 2022 is starting from Punjab. It was announced by holding a press conference in Chandigarh at 11 am. Chadhuni said that our aim is not to be rich. If BJP wins elections in five states, BJP will bring back the bill. There is no such possibility. If she brings it back then the farmer is ready to fight. We have no alliance with anyone in Punjab. Ready to fight on 117 seats.

opium cultivation in punjab

Chaduni said that farmers, laborers and traders will have to unite. The youth in Punjab is troubled. Our youth is going to the same Britishers who had been expelled. There is no business and employment inside Punjab. Will make every possible effort that every person gets employment in Punjab. Big changes are needed in agriculture. There may be demand for farming abroad. From production to consumer, the business will be with the farmer. Such cultivation will be done, which has demand abroad. If we start opium cultivation then Punjab can progress. Opium is not an intoxicant, it is also an income. Don’t take it as a laugh.

Nine are different out of 32 farmer gangs

Chaduni said that out of 32 farmer organizations, nine groups have been separated. They will remain neutral. His party is yet to be registered. Election symbol not found. In response to the question, he said that elections can be fought only by political parties? Give permission to BJP to sell the country. We are doing this to rein in them. It is our misfortune that there is goondaraj in the country. The minister is crushing the farmers. Let such goons rule the people. In Punjab, 80 lakh votes are of farmers. The government was formed with 59 lakh votes. Chaduni said that there is a need to weed out those who do wrong things in politics.

Interred in Punjab that’s why I was suspended

Chaduni said that SKM suspended me because why did he enter Punjab. We have already told that the pocket money of the people above Punjab will come in the pockets of the people below. I am not contesting elections in Punjab. Shiv Kumar Kakka has been the head of the RSS. Chaduni said that four members of Kejriwal have come to Punjab. They would come among the public and sit on hunger strike.

Bad politics can be corrected only by politics

Newly appointed party chief Richpal Singh Jodamajra said that we have spent a year in struggle. 750 farmers lost their lives. There were atrocities with the farmers, how names were given to the farmers. One side was being robbed, the other hand was being killed. Humanity was being hurt. As iron cuts iron, poison kills poison. By the way, politics can be corrected only by spoiled politics. So the idea of ​​forming a party came up.

Why start in Punjab

Jodamajra told that there are two reasons for this that the mission was run in West Bengal. We knew that there is a contest between BJP and Trinamool Congress, Trinamool won. Then came the matter of Mission UP. When it came to Mission Punjab, I thought who would help. Because both Akali Dal and Congress are guilty. AAP never opposed corporate. We had to form our party in Punjab due to lack of option. The first election after the agitation is in Punjab. When it came to struggle, Punjab was ahead. That’s why it started with Punjab.

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