Centre to celebrate Telangana Formation Day, Amit Shah to attend

Published: Updated On – 11:24 PM, Tue – 31 May 22

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Hyderabad: The political heat generated by Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s foray into national politics seems to have unnerved the BJP government at the Centre which on Monday announced that it would officially celebrate “Telangana Formation Day” in New Delhi on June 2. The Ministry of Culture-organised celebrations, to be held at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, has been approved by the National Implementation Committee (NIC) and will see union Home Minister Amit Shah in attendance.

That the unprecedented move is politically-motivated is obvious from the fact that the BJP government never even gave a thought to organising such an event in the past eight years of Telangana’s existence.
Coming as it does in the wake of Chandrashekhar Rao’s active efforts to evolve an alternative development agenda for the country through deliberations with like-minded parties and leaders ahead of the 2024 general elections lends credence to the argument of political pundits that the BJP sees the TRS president as a threat with the potential to undermine its apparent political grip over national politics.

The BJP government’s unexpected decision triggered heated discussions in political circles with divergent views. Some believe that the saffron party had finally taken serious note of Chadrashekhar Rao’s major efforts to stitch a non-BJP coalition of sorts while others argue that it was a last ditch effort to appease the people of Telangana who have been peeved by the Centre’s step-motherly treatment of the State on all fronts including sanction of projects and release of funds.

“Under the garb of Telangana Formation Day celebrations, efforts are being made to promote the sentiment that the BJP is indeed concerned about Telangana. But only time will tell whether these efforts will pay off,” political analyst pointed out.

As part of the celebrations, popular singers from Telangana like Mangali and Vedala Hemachandra will be performing. There will be shows by folk artists from Telangana as well. The event will also be attended by the Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture Meenakashi Lekhi.

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