CBSE Compartment Board Exams 2022 Datesheet Out, Exams From August 23

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)   will hold compartment exams for classes 10 and 12 on August 23 onwards. The class 12 exams will be held only on August 23 and class 10 will be held from August 23 to August 29. Candidates who are scheduled to appear for the compartment exams can check the detailed timetable on the official site of the board at

The duration of the exam for both classes 10, and 12 is for two hours starting from 10.30 am up to 12.30 pm. Further, as per rules, 15 minutes of extra reading time will be given to the students to go through the question paper. The students will also be issued fresh admit cards containing the new exam centres allotted to them.

CBSE 10th Compartment Exam Schedule

August 23: Mathematics (standard and Basic)

August 24: Home Science, Sanskrit

August 25: Computer Applications, English

Also read| CBSE 10th, 12th Board Exams 2023: More Choices, Rise in Competency Based Questions, How Will Upcoming Boards be Different?

August 26: Science

August 27: Social Science

CBSE has also notified that the candidates must carry their own hand sanitiser in a transparent bottle and cover their nose, mouth, and nose with a mask. Candidates will have to follow all the social distancing norms to avoid the spread of Covid-19. The candidates must remember to carry their admit cards to the exam hall as without it they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.

CBSE had earlier informed that the compartment exams will be in the pattern of term II. The board had given 70 per cent weightage to term II exams and remaining 30 per cent to term I. The pass percentage to clear CBSE board exams is 33 per cent.

This year, there has been a huge rise in the number of kids set to appear for the compartmental exams. As many as 1,07,689 students will have to take the class 10 supplementary exam. This is a huge jump from last year when it was only 17,636 students. While a total of 67743 CBSE 12th students have been placed in the compartment category this year. Those who are unable to clear the compartmental exams will have to mandatorily repeat the year.

As many as 94.40 per cent of class 10 students who took the exam have managed to pass it. Among the 21,09,208 students who registered for the exam, as many as 19,76,668 have managed to pass it. For class 12, a total of 1435366 students have taken the exam out of which 1330662 have passed. The pass percentage stands 92.71 per cent.

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