Case of provocative statement in Parliament of Religions: Jitendra Tyagi alias Wasim Rizvi’s bail plea rejected, High Court said – the purpose of the speech was to incite riots

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  • Haridwar Dharm Sansad Controversy; Jitendra Tyagi Urf Wasim Rizvi’s Bail Plea Rejected

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The Uttarakhand High Court has rejected the bail of Jitendra Tyagi alias Waseem Rizvi in ​​the Haridwar Dharma Sansad case. The court observed that the language of Tyagi’s speech was vulgar which included things like inciting riots, promoting enmity and insulting Prophet Muhammad. The matter pertains to the Parliament of Religions held between December 17-19, 2021.

Right to freedom has its limits
A bench of Justice Ravindra Maithani emphasized that hate speech has far-reaching consequences. The court did not re-read Tyagi’s speech but said that the derogatory remarks were against a particular religion and the Prophet. The court also said that the right to freedom given in the constitution has its limits. The right to freedom of expression is subject to the restrictions given under Article 19(2) of the Constitution.

The kind of statements made by Jitendra Tyagi and shared video messages have a wrong effect on the society. In view of this, the court did not consider the case to be right for bail.

Case registered against Tyagi under sections 153A, 298
For Tyagi’s hate speech, the Uttarakhand Police has booked sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language and acting against the maintenance of harmony) and 298 (Anyone of the IPC) of 1860. Speaking with intent to hurt the religious sentiments of a person) a case was registered.

Earlier in January, a local court in Haridwar had refused bail to hate speech accused Jitendra Tyagi for his remarks on Prophet Mohammad.

Wasim Rizvi’s conversion took place in a temple in Ghaziabad
Narasimhanand Giri had converted Waseem Rizvi on 6th December at Dasna Devi temple in Ghaziabad. He was given the new name Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi. Since the conversion, Wasim Rizvi has been continuously making controversial statements about Muslim religion. For this, three cases have also been registered against him in Haridwar in the past.

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