Carlos Ghosn Files Over $1-Billion Defamation Suit Against Nissan – News18

Carlos Ghosn was arrested in Japan in late 2018 and charged with under-reporting earnings, breach of trust and misappropriation of company funds. (Photo: IANS)

Ghosn’s lawsuit seeks $588 million in lost remuneration, and another $500 million in moral damage

Carlos Ghosn, former chairman of Nissan, has sued the company for over $1 billion, according to media reports. Ghosn was ousted from Nissan in 2018 and was arrested in Japan on charges of financial misconduct.

According to a Reuters report, Carlos Ghosn’s lawsuit, which he filed in Lebanon and a copy of which was seen by Reutersincludes allegations of defamation, slander, libel and the fabrication of material evidence by Nissan as well as 12 individuals and two other firms.

“We have a long battle in front of us. We are going to fight it to the end,” Ghosn told Reuters in Lebanon, where he has lived since fleeing Japan hidden in a box aboard a private jet.

Ghosn’s lawsuit seeks $588 million in lost remuneration, and another $500 million in moral damage.

“What I am asking for is only a little compensation compared to what they’ve done to me,” the 69-year-old, wearing a blue open-necked shirt, said during an interview in Beirut.

Once a global car industry titan, Ghosn was arrested in Japan in late 2018 and charged with under-reporting earnings, breach of trust and misappropriation of company funds.

He denied the charges and said his detention was part of a plot against him by Nissan.

Ghosn fled Japan in December 2019 as he awaited trial and after arriving in his childhood home of Lebanon said he was escaping a “rigged” justice system and would clear his name.

Tokyo prosecutors have previously said Ghosn’s allegations of a conspiracy were false.

(With Inputs From Agencies)