Canteen Worker at IIT Bombay Arrested for Allegedly Peeping into Hostel Bathroom

A worker at the canteen at the IIT Bombay campus has been arrested by the police for allegedly peeping into the hostel bathrooms. The accused was caught when a female student spotted him at the duct of her hostel bathroom and alerted the authorities. The man had allegedly climbed the duct pipe.

IIT Bombay canteen was shut reportedly shut due to the pest control work and the workers, however, were at the campus. The students also alleged that the canteen worker had filmed videos of the students while they were in the bathroom.

Authorities in an official statement said, “The bathrooms in some wings of the hostel building have windows facing a platform-like area with pipes from the ground floor.” An FIR has been registered under IPC section 354C against the canteen worker. Students have demanded heightened security measures at the campus.

The incident comes shortly after the Chandigarh University students had protested against alleged leaking of inappropriate videos of students from hostel bathrooms. The students had alleged that at least 60 students were victim of nonconsensual videotapping, however, police investigation so far has revealed that the accused had filmed her own video and sent to her boyfriend. Three arrests have been made in the case so far.

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