‘Can’t afford another lockdown in New Year, taking vaccine only way out’ | Nagpur News – Times of India

When it comes to events like restrictions on movements, travelling, meetings and mix-ups, general physician Dr Jay Deshmukh knows the mass mentality of patients very well. According to the veteran medico, the way people are going about revenge shopping and revenge tourism after getting relaxations from restrictions is more dangerous than the very idea of restrictions. For the New Year, Dr Deshmukh shared some important tips for all age-groups with Covid-19 vaccination being a priority amongst them. He feels that another phase of restrictions will create resentment among people and that policy makers should bring about some innovative solutions instead of the typical ‘lockdown’ formula to deal with the pandemic situation.
Q. Are we entering New Year 2022 with further restrictions?
A. Restrictions have been introduced and it’s a reality. Our government had to announce them ahead of Christmas and New Year parties. Many plans have already been cancelled and this is going to affect people’s mindset in a negative manner. More restrictions will invite public resentment. Few may defy restrictions and break rules in our set-up. But, people react in different ways here. Once the government lifts the restrictions, people indulge in revenge tourism, revenge shopping the way we have been witnessing this winter. Such behavior is more dangerous and risky. Imposing lockdowns and restrictions is not the way to deal with the crisis.
Q. What should be the right way to deal with the issue?
A. Firstly, vaccination. We must ensure complete vaccination of the entire eligible population. Door-to-door campaigns should be taken more seriously. Secondly, the local administration can provide ‘self-testing kits’ for Covid at subsidized rates to people. Self-testing will make people confident. Those who are positive after self-testing will start taking care. Nagpur can take the lead with self-testing kits and make it a pilot project for all the big cities in India. Thirdly, it’s not a local body’s prerogative, but we must start vaccination of children at the earliest. Kids above 5 years of age should get the jab. There is no harm in doing so. We had several rounds of trials in Nagpur itself. The results are really promising. Still, authorities are waiting for the launch of children’s vaccines which is unnecessary. Vaccine to kids will ensure that schools will re-open and continue to function. Regular school is the most import thing to bring life back to normalcy.
Q. Will the booster dose become a reality in the New Year?
A. I think we will get a booster dose policy in January. Many have already taken boosters and the results are really good. There is no harm in taking a booster dose. In fact, it will only benefit people. This is a complete new vaccine and booster will definitely help.
Q. A variant like Omicron is escaping vaccine protection. So, what’s the point in taking boosters?
A. A new variant like Omicron may infect even a vaccinated person, but the disease will not turn serious. Secondly, the existing vaccines greatly help to reduce the spread of the virus. If a vaccinated person gets infected, he will not spread the virus to many others. If there is no 100% spread of virus, the surge will be negligible and we will move ahead without much loss. If the spread is restricted, further mutation of the Omicron variant will also get restricted. Ultimately, infection is not the problem. In fact, no Covid-19 vaccine can guarantee you 100% protection from the infection. The vaccine only ensures that the infection does not turn deadly. In the same way, vaccinated people may get infected by Omicron, but a majority of them will recover without much hardships. So, vaccines are a must.
Q. What are your suggestions for people ahead of the New Year?
A. We all had a tough 2021 and suffered a lot in every way. We must start the New Year with new hope. Firstly, all of us should complete the Covid vaccination at the earliest. Unfortunately, more than 25% of Nagpur’s population is yet to get both the doses, with many yet to get even one. We have realized the importance of annual health check-ups. My second suggestion is to get yourself tested for lifestyle-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes annually. Mental health is also important. For this, start the New Year on a positive note. Try to spend more time with family. You can resolve to have a good laugh every day. Be positive and try to be with positive people. Do not hesitate to take periodic holidays. Reduce your screen time and try to live a stress-free life. Finally, it is physical fitness. You can resolve to devote at least 45 minutes of your day for any kind of exercise like running, walking, cycling or yoga.
