Busting 6 Myths About Sustainable Fashion

While the whole of universe is desperately hunting down the perfectly winsome hunch of fashion, what are we as humans seeking? Mere ounces of freshly precipitated fashion trends that get soaked up or seep into the ground as quick as rain drops and the earth is coerced to bear this cumbersome onus of our hasty decisions.

All of these hindrances coupled up with the concept of fast fashion gives birth to sustainable fashion which is colloquially planted with fashion brands. “Sustainable fashion is a method to support a change in fashion goods and the fashion system toward improved ecological integrity and social justice. This fashion trend is a strategy that fosters a shift in fashion trends while keeping our eco-system and surroundings in mind. It is a method of designing, manufacturing, and supplying sustainable outfits with maximum benefit to the ethical clothing company and little impact on the ecological cycle,” says Sandesh Ambhore, CEO and Founding Director, Styleyn.

Ambhore busts some myths about sustainable fashion for us:

Myth: Fashion should not cost the earth.

While supporting ethical brands is important, sustainable fashion doesn’t just come in the form of new clothes. There’s so many ways to consume fashion more sustainably: swapping, renting, reusing, choosing secondhand, thrifting or simply buying less.

Convening these aspects regarding sustainable fashion, it is not always hotsy-totsy. Yes, it works towards protecting the eco-system, employees and the earth but they are indeed myths and misconception attached to the niche that might motivate the shopper to fill their shopping carts to the brim rather than squander it on impulsive buying.

Myth: Buying from ‘eco-efficient’ or ‘sustainable’ brands helps save the environment

It is partially true that buying from sustainable labels works towards lessening draconian effects on the environment although it is not much of a difference. As the fashion industry swears by ‘Less is more’ while styling, it applies to shopping as well. The only way to have a positive influence on the environment is to buy fewer and necessary items. Filling your closet with an abundance of ethical fashion outfits may yield little benefit in terms of repairing environmental damage.

Myth: One needs to spend a lot to support sustainable fashion brands

Ethically produced fast fashion brands are comparatively less expensive than sustainable brands. However, sustainable brands don’t just prioritise profits, they advocate for transparency and use innovative ways to make clothing that don’t exploit people and the planet in the process. Quality materials and paying living wages will, naturally, result in a more expensive product. Investing in a shirt priced at Rs.400 with high amounts of ecological damage, employee violation, animal cruelty and using it for period of 2-3 months sounds like a nightmare whereas investing in shirt costing Rs.1000 with sheer environment safety, customer and employee satisfaction sounds like an angel in disguise.

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Myth: Sustainable brands cannot provide style

Well, sustainable fashion might not always practice and present every fashion trend that clobbers the industry but it doesn’t mean they aren’t fashionably forward. Fast fashion has alluded people into thinking that they are dishing out the “It” clothes of the moment. Rather than producing careened fads, sustainability focuses on timeless classics and unique pieces that suits all shapes and sizes. Classic staples might vary from person to person but creating a more sustainable wardrobe has a lot to do with discovering your own style language. Some might alternate sustainable fashion to slow fashion which is completely false inspecting the fact that all brands are striving to tailor sustainably.

Myth: Sustainable fashion is posh, high maintenance and a status symbol

We as shoppers need to stop being parochial and accept that these stereotypical tags running alongside sustainable fashion are total myths. The term ‘sustainable fashion’ in itself is self-explanatory that it sustains. The fashion industry is evolving and transforming into a sustainably sought-after fashion world that is not poignant or pernicious. Ranging from small business labels, designers and stores up-to corporal and establish brands and professional designers.

Myth: Sustainable fashion does not only mean buying from sustainable brands

Age groups 18-24 are wreathed and supportive of sustainable fashion but only 73% of them know what exactly it is. Sustainable fashion is not only limited to buying from sustainable brands but also widens its horizons to reusing, recycling, thrifting, using secondhand and upcycling.

We hope that we could undo all the myths formed in your heart. As much as you know, it is a gentle reminder that sustainability is a matter of choice and everyday habits. So let’s debunk the thoughts that cage you from practicing sustainability and unlock the truths behind the same.

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