Business – Listing of E-Mudra shares on BSE with 6 percent premium #INA – INA News Agancy

The shares of E Mudra got listed on the BSE on Wednesday at Rs 271 with a premium of about six per cent.

E-Mudra issues Digital Signature Certificate in India. Apart from this, it provides services of tax filing etc.

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of E-Mudra was open for subscription on 20th May and closed on 24th May. It was subscribed 2.72 times.

Santosh Meena, Head of Research, Swastika Investments, said E-Mudra’s listing has been weak but positive due to the prevailing market conditions. It has got good response from God investors.

The growing demand for data privacy, data security and digitization will help the company grow in the medium to long term, he added.

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