Buddh Pradosh Fast: All You Need To Know About Pujan Muhurat, Vidhi And Samagri

Last Updated: December 21, 2022, 7:17 PM IST

Take a bath and wear clean clothes before you sit for your pooja.

Surya Arghya, or the Arghya to the Sun, is a ritual performed as a part of Hinduism.

It has been described in Hindu scriptures that Pradosh fast is primarily observed by devotees of Lord Shiva. Pradosh fast is bifurcated into two, one which is observed on Wednesday (Buddh Pradosh fast) and the other on Saturday (Shani Pradosh fast). It is said that those who keep this fast achieve unprecedented success in jobs, and business and also attain peace of mind. This year, Buddh Pradosh fast is observed on December 21 and prayers can be offered 45 minutes before and after sunset and will end at 10:16 PM. Keep reading this space to know more about Pradosh fast from Kashi astrologer Chakrapani Bhatt.

Pujan Muhurat

Pausha, Krishna Trayodashi: Buddha Pradosh fast starts at 12:45 PM today

Pausha, Krishna Trayodashi: Buddha Pradosh fast ends at 10:16 PM today

Pradosh Puja Muhurat: 17:29 PM-20:13 PM

Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga: 08:33 AM- 06:33 AM (December 22)

Amrit Siddhi Yoga: 08:33 AM- 06:33 AM (December 22)

Puja Vidhi

Take a bath and wear clean clothes before you sit for your pooja.

Don’t forget to touch the feet of elders. This practice is widely prevalent in Hindu culture since the Vedic times when it was known as Charan sparsh.

Surya Arghya: Surya Arghya, or the Arghya to the Sun, is a ritual performed as a part of Hinduism. It is the offering of water to the Sun in the mornings. Also remember to add jiggery in water.

Also, light a diya prepared from cow ghee.

Apologise for all the wrongdoings at the end of pooja. Also, at this particular moment, request the almighty to fulfil all your dreams and aspirations.

Pooja Samagri

Copper Kalash




Vermilion (Roli)

Bel patra (a leaf of Bel / bilva tree)

Shami, also known as White Kutch, is a medicinal plant native to India.

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