Brother renounced his life in grief of sister’s death: The girl died after falling in the well, the younger brother came after riding 430 km on a bike, bowing to the pyre and lying on it

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  • The Girl Died After Falling In The Well, Her Cousin Came After Riding A Bike For 430 Km, Bowing Down To The Funeral Pyre

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File photo of sister Jyoti aka Preeti and cousin Karan Singh

In Majhguwan village, 20 km away from Sagar, the cousin brother gave up his life in grief of the death of his sister. Younger brother Karan (18) after the death of his cousin elder sister Jyoti alias Preeti (21) reached Sagar from Dhar on a bike for 430 km and went straight to the cremation ground and bowed down to the burning pyre. The brother also died while being taken to the hospital due to burn injuries. After 36 hours, the family performed the last rites of her younger brother Karan on Sunday morning near her sister’s pyre.

Sister died due to drowning in the well: Jyoti’s elder brother Sher Singh Thakur told that vegetables are planted on the farm. Jyoti used to go to get vegetables in the evening. She went to the farm at 6 pm on Thursday but did not return for three hours. He thought that he must have gone to a friend’s house in the village. Searched the village till 12 o’clock in the night but could not find it.

Jyoti’s father Bhole Singh went to the farm at 9 am on Friday. They suspected that Jyoti had not fallen in the well, so the water was emptied by putting a motor in the well. Two hours later, at 11 o’clock, Jyoti’s clothes were seen in the well and informed the police. Police took out Jyoti’s body from the well and sent it to the PM.

Jyoti’s funeral took place on Friday evening
Baheria police station in-charge Divya Prakash Tripathi said that after the PM, the body of Jyoti was handed over to the family on Friday evening. After this the family performed his last rites at the cremation ground near the village. Jyoti’s elder brother Sher Singh told that after the last rites at 6 pm on Friday, all the people of the village returned home. Karan had not reached there till then. On Saturday morning at 11 am, some people of the village told that his brother was scorched in the fire near Jyoti’s pyre. Karan used to visit Majhguwan village often from Dhar, so some people of the village also knew Karan.

Karan died on the way to the hospital
Karan’s burn was reported to his father Udai Singh in Khalghat village of Dharampuri tehsil of Dhar district. He told that Karan had left for Sagar on his bike on Friday evening itself after getting information about his sister’s death. Sher Singh told that Karan must have reached the crematorium between 7 am and 9 am on Saturday and lay on the burning pyre of his sister. The villagers saw him scorched around 11 o’clock. Then they took him to the hospital but Karan died on the way.

Funeral after the arrival of parents
After Karan’s death on Saturday afternoon, his body was also sent for the PM. On Saturday evening, the police handed over the body to the family but till then Karan’s parents could not reach Sagar from Dhar. In the night, the parents reached Majhguwan village. Then on Sunday morning in his presence, the family performed the last rites of Karan near the pyre of sister Jyoti.

Both are investigating the death
Jyoti alias Preeti (21) died due to drowning due to slipping of her feet while filling water from the well. After this his cousin Karan reached Majhguwan village from Dhar and lay down in the burning pyre of his sister. Karan also died during treatment due to burns. In both the cases, investigation is going on after establishing a case. Divya Prakash Tripathi, TI, Thana Baheria

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