Bribe offer to army colonel in Hisar: 1 lakh rupees to be given to regional director of ECHS, FIR on director-manager of hospital

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Hisar ECHS Regional Center. file photo

The ECHS Regional Center Director of Hisar Military Station was lured with a bribe of one lakh rupees. This offer was made by Mukesh Rathi, Director of Rathi Eye Hospital, Jhajjar and Vikram Sharma, Manager. Mukesh Rathi wanted to get his hospital included in the empanelment. Center director HS Dhillon has filed a case against both of them by giving a complaint to the Sadar police. The matter is of December 2022. After investigation in this matter, a case of corruption has now been registered.

Bribe offered in white envelope
Colonel HS Dhillon, director of the ECHS Regional Center at Hisar Military Station, complained to the police that on December 9, Naib Subedar SK Banerjee informed him that Vikram Sharma, the center manager of Rathi Eye Hospital, Jhajjar, wanted to meet him. He had submitted the documents to join the empanelment. Vikram Sharma came to him. Col Dhillon told them that your papers have been sent to the Center Organization ECHS. Then he offered a white colored envelope.

handed over to military police
Vikram Sharma said that while giving the envelope, he said that this envelope has been sent by the hospital director Mukesh Rathi for you. When he came to know that it contained bribe money, he refused. After this immediately informed the help desk of Military Police. The accused confessed his crime before the Military Police. There was one lakh rupees in the envelope. Accused Vikram Sharma was produced before the police. After which he was released on bail.

CD handed over to police
Police had deposited Rs 1 lakh seized from the accused in the Malkhana. Army officials also handed over a CD to the police. In which there is a conversation between Army soldiers and Vikram Sharma. In which at the behest of the army jawan, Vikram is showing money by withdrawing and director Mukesh Rathi is asking to give this money to be included in the hospital panel. In the second part, he is writing something on the advice of an army man. Hisar police took legal opinion of DDA on this. After investigation, Sadar Police has registered against Vikram Sharma and Mukesh Rathi.

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