Bored of Your Regular Falahar? Try Aalu Paneer Falahari Kofte This Chaitra Navratri

The nine-day festival of Navratri is a time for devotion, celebrations, fasting, and spiritual growth. There are two Navratri festivals. The first occurs in March-April, and the other in September-October. Vasantha or Chaitra Navratri is the first.

This Navratri is when people observe fasts. Fasting adherents have a very restricted choice of Falahari foods. We’re sure you’re one of those people who would want to try something different from their usual Sabudana or Pumpkin Poori. All you need is

Paneer grated – 1 cup

Boiled Potatoes – 2

Buckwheat flour – 2 tbsp

Mawa (Khoya) – 1.5 tbsp

Black pepper powder – 1/2 tsp

Red chilli powder – 1/2 tsp

Green chillies chopped – 2

Green Coriander Finely chopped

Almonds – 7-8

Cashews – 7-8

Raisins – 1 tsp


Today, we are here with the Aalu Paneer Kofta recipe. This recipe is very easy to make and it won’t break your fasting promises. So let’s dig into it-

To begin, mix the grated paneer and boiled potatoes and form a proper mixture. Then, according to taste, add black pepper and red chilli powder and mix well. Mix in the green chilli, buckwheat flour, and mawa as well. Mix the mawa into the mixture well, then add the finely chopped green coriander. This enhances the taste significantly.

Begin creating koftas using the dough. Form the koftas into balls for this. Make a circle by adding dried fruits in the centre. Put the ghee in a pan and heat it over medium flame. (Alternatively, you may use oil instead of ghee.) When the ghee is heated, cook the kofta balls by squeezing them gently. Fry the koftas until they turn crispy and golden brown. Your Falahari Koftas are now prepared. They are ready to serve with any fruit chutney.

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